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Spring 2019 CHI Quarterly

Spring 2019 Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly

In anticipation of the 125th anniversary of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s first foreign mission to India, the Spring 2019 issue of the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Vol. 92, no.1) brings you four articles focusing on this important and flourishing mission.

The lead article, “The Formative Years of Missouri Evangelical Lutheran India Mission (MELIM)” is written by the Rev. Dr. Damodher Christu Das, with a follow-up article, “Growing Pains of a Partner Church” by the Rev. Dr. Victor A. Raj. The next two articles are written by children of missionaries, the first being Dr. Joseph Rittmann’s “Missionaries into all the World: Clarence and Emma Rittmann and The Missouri Evangelical Lutheran India Mission”, and the second by Mrs. Phyllis Duesenberg, entitled, “Memories of India: The Adventures of a Missionary Child”.

Book reviews are again provided with this issue: John T. Pless reviews Richard O. Johnson’s “Changing World, Changeless Christ” The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, 1914-2014”, Martin R. Noland reviews David P. Scaer’s “Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer”, Benjamin J. Nickodemus reviews Timothy J. Wengert’s “Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions” and finishing out the book reviews is Todd D. Zittlow’s “Addendum to A Bibliography of Lutheran History in North America – 2018” .

The Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly is sent to all members of the Institute. It is available as a subscription only without membership for $40.00 per year. Single copies are $10.00 for issues published during the past three years and $4.00 for earlier issues. Shipping and handling are extra for back issues.

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