Book cover of Rediscovering the Issues Surrounding the 1974 Concordia Seminary Walkout, featuring a photo from the Walkout: the doors underneath Luther Tower are boarded up, with "EXILED" written across them in white paint.

REDISCOVERING THE ISSUES: Pre-Order Seminex Bible Study!

PRESS RELEASE—Saint Louis, Missouri Concordia Historical Institute’s latest publication, Rediscovering the Issues Surrounding the 1974 Concordia Seminary Walk Out is now available for pre-order at Concordia Publishing House and Amazon. Designed for use by individuals or groups, each of the eleven chapters in this work outline specific doctrinal issues and controversies that

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Winter 2020 CHI Quarterly

Do you want to rediscover historical Lutheran connections? Then read on! The Winter 2020 Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Volume 93, no.4) contains two articles which show just that, Lutheran connections in United States of America history and German-American history. The first article, entitled, “Two Kingdom Theology and Praxis in America:

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Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly v.93 no.3

Fall 2020 CHI Quarterly

Not all mission endeavors are alike, and thank God for that! The Fall 2020 Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Volume 93, no.3) contains three articles which show how missions take different forms to address the needs of those to whom God showers his grace. The first article and second articles inform

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Spring 2019 Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly

Spring 2019 CHI Quarterly

In anticipation of the 125th anniversary of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s first foreign mission to India, the Spring 2019 issue of the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Vol. 92, no.1) brings you four articles focusing on this important and flourishing mission. The lead article, “The Formative Years of Missouri Evangelical Lutheran

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