The following handbooks are provided to assist the various archival entities within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. These handbooks suggest ways to collect, organize, arrange, and provide the resources of the archive to the various constituencies in the LCMS.

Concordia Historical Institute provides their Record and Archive Management Program (RAMP) Handbook for the following LCMS entities:
- Districts
- Seminaries
- Colleges
- Universities
- Other agencies of the Synod
This handbook is provided to assist the above entities in establishing an archival-historical unit within their organization. It provides guidelines for managing the documentary history of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod.
This handbook will be revised and updated as necessary.
District Archivist Handbook
Concordia Historical Institute provides their District Archivist Handbook for the 35 district archivists of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. It is also applicable to the Lutheran Women's Missionary League district archivists. Here is a list of the District Archivists of the LCMS and here is the LWML archivist page.
This handbook is provided to assist the district archivists in establishing an archival-historical unit within their district. It provides guidelines for managing the documentary history of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in their district and for their district congregations.
This handbook differs from the RAMP handbook as it is specifically geared towards the district archivist. For a congregational archive, see our Information Sheets 2, 2A-2F.
This handbook will be revised and updated as necessary.
Policies and Procedures Handbook

Concordia Historical Institute Collection Policies and Procedures Handbook provides an example to the various archival entities of the Synod, be they district, educational, or congregational, as to how an archive can be organized. It also provides suggested policies and procedures to govern the archives.
As these are the collection policies and procedures of CHI, it should not be understood that this is how all archives of the LCMS should be governed and operated.