The CHI Awards Program started in 1974. Each year the Concordia Historical Institute awards committee members evaluates recent American Lutheran historical publications, authors and contributors. The committee grants awards on behalf of CHI to individuals, congregations, agencies and boards. CHI recognizes the significant contributions to literature and research in the field of Lutheran archives and history in North America.


Each year the CHI Awards Program presents awards of Commendation for significant contributions to North American Lutheran History. The areas considered for awards include:

  1. Congregation Anniversary or History
  2. District/Synod or Regional History
  3. Institutional History
  4. Family History, Memoir, or Biography
  5. Major Topical/Reference Publications
  6. Journal or Magazine Articles
  7. Historical Recreations, Displays, Performances, Oral History or Motion Pictures
  8. Support for Historical Preservation and Archival Work
  9. Youth (Anyone under 18 entered in any of the above categories.)


If you have written or know of an item that should be considered by our awards committee, please use our Awards Nomination Form (see below) and send the completed form and two copies of the work (if printed) to CHI.  Please submit items for consideration by January 31 of the current year for items produced or published during the previous calendar year. For instance, submit contributions or publications from 2024 by January 31, 2025.

Awards Nomination Form (Click Here)

Previous Awardees

You can find below a summary of all the awards presented by CHI. It lists the year, the category, the recipient(s) and the title of the awarded work.
The sources used to compile this list included: Awards Banquet programs, awards committee minutes, Historical Footnotes, the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly, and CHI Press Releases.

Award YearCategoryRecipientTitle
1973Congregation History
Petzold, Rudy H.God’s Love - Ever Constant, Saint Paul Lutheran Church (Millington, Michigan) 75th Anniversary
1973Congregation HistorySaint Peter Lutheran Church (Detroit, Michigan)Led by the Spirit, Saint Peter Lutheran Church (East Detroit, Michigan) 125th Anniversary
1973Congregation HistorySternberg, John R.Joyfully Alive, Saint Peter Lutheran Church (Schaumburg, Illinois) (Anniversary Pageant)
1973Journal ArticleThe Lutheran WitnessLutheran Witness - Reporter (Materials relating to the LCMS 125th Anniversary)
1973Personal ServiceGrimm, A. IraAwarded with the Antigo (Wisconsin) Publishing Company for publications of Rev. Alfred Grimm
1973Personal ServiceMeyer, Richard H.Donation of materials from the Japan Mission of the LCMS, 1949-1972
1973Personal ServiceThompson, Calvin P.Donation of materials from the former Luther College and Seminary (New Orleans, Louisiana)
1973Congregation HistoryMeier, Louise Nicol125 Years of Grace, Holy Cross Lutheran Church (Collinsville, Illinois)
1974Congregation HistoryZion Lutheran Church (Comstock Park, Michigan)Zion Lutheran Church (Comstock Park, Michigan) 10th Anniversary Publication
1974Journal ArticleFridley, Russell W.Editor of Minnesota History, Cultural Homogeneity and Population Stability Among Swedish Immigrants in Chisago County, Minnesota by Robert C. Ostergren
1974Journal ArticleKivett, Marvin F.Editor of Nebraska History, Unge Man, Ga Westerhut by James I. Dowie
1974Journal ArticleKramer, GerhardtGrowing Up Lutheran in New Orleans, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1974Journal ArticleNelson, Paul C.The Norwegian Lutheran Churches of Northern Story County, Iowa, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1974Journal ArticleSchmidt, George P.Holy Cross School: Memories of the First Decade of the 20th Century, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1974Journal ArticleThreinen, Norman J.The Stuermer Union Movement in Canada, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1974Personal ServiceBoard for Lutheran TelevisionFor the Donation of This is the Life Scripts and Selected Film Prints
1974Personal ServiceThe Women's Auxiliary of Concordia Historical InstituteFor the Crafts Festival in Commemoration of the LCMS 125th Anniversary
1974Personal ServiceLutheran Laymen's LeagueFor the Financial Support of the Concordia Historical Institute Microfilm Project
1974Personal ServiceKluender, Marcus RichmannFor the Donation of the Civil War Diary of Chaplain Friederich W. Richmann
1974Personal ServicePaul A. Koepchen EstateFor the Donation of Reformation and American Lutheran Lantern Slides, Research Notes, and Resources on the Saxon Immigration from William A. Koepchen
1974Personal ServicePreus, J. A. O.For Donations to Concordia Historical Institute
1975Congregation HistoryTrinity Lutheran Church (Elkart, Indiana)Centennial Anniversary Program and Celebration
1975Congregation HistoryTrinity Lutheran Church (Spring, Texas)Centennial History
1975EssayKorby, Kenneth F.Wilhelm Loehe and Liturgical Renewal, Essays and Reports of The Lutheran Historical Conference
1975EssaySchaaf, James L.Wilhelm Loehe and the Ohio Synod, Essays and Reports of The Lutheran Historical Conference
1975EssaySuelflow, Roy A.Lutheran Confessionalism in the Early Synodical Conference, Essays and Reports of The Lutheran Historical Conference
1975Journal ArticleAnderson, Avis R.Pastors on the Prairie, Montana, The Magazine of Western History
1975Journal ArticleDaib, Eleanor K., Herbert L., and Walter C.Samuel Wilhelm Herman Daib, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1975Journal ArticleHamre, James S.Georg Sverdrup and the Augsburg Plan of Education, Norwegian-American Studies
1975Journal ArticleHamre, James S.John O. Evien: Teacher, Theologian, Biographer, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1975Journal ArticleHolt, Benjamin M.And So They Gave Me a 36-inch Birthday Card: A Remembrance of 90 Years, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1975Major PublicationLund, HenrietteOf Eskimos and Missionaries: Lutheran Eskimo Missions in Alaska (1894-1973)
1975Personal ServiceConcordia Publishing HouseFor Financial Support of Saxon Lutheran Memorial
1975Personal ServiceKovac, Dr. and Mrs. JohnFor the Donation of Baking Iron used in Slovak Lutheran Homes to bake wafers for Christmas
1975Personal ServicePiper, Mr. and Mrs. VernonFinancial Support of Saxon Lutheran Memorial
1976Congregation HistoryBuchheimer, E. H.A Golden Rose of Remembrance, 1925-1975: A History of Our Savior Lutheran Church, (Detroit Michigan)
1976Congregation HistorySaint John Lutheran Church (Pecatonica, Illinois)Centennial Packet with a written history, special orders of worship, etc.
1976Congregation HistorySaint Paul Lutheran Church (Eden, New York)One Hundred and Twenty-Five Years, 1849-1974: Saint Paul Lutheran Church, (Eden, New York)
1976EssaySuelflow, August R.Remembering Zion: Theological Glue, Minutes and Reports of the 12th Archivists' and Historians' Conference
1976Journal ArticleArmentrout, Don S.Lutheran-Episcopal Conversations in the Nineteenth Century, Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church
1976Journal ArticleEllwanger, Walter H.Lutheranism in Alabama and Other Parts of the South, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1976Journal ArticleFredrich, Edward C.Bading and the Formative Presidency of the Wisconsin Synod, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly
1976Journal ArticleFry, C. GeorgeMatthias Loy: Theologian of American Lutheran Orthodoxy, The Springfielder
1976Journal ArticleJohnson, Niel M.The Missouri Synod Lutherans and the War Against the German Language, 1917-1923, Nebraska History
1976Journal ArticleKramer, William A.Life in Perry County, Missouri, at the Turn of the Century, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1976Personal ServiceKramer, William A.Transcription of Fraktur Script
1976Journal ArticleSchuetze, Armin W.Muehlhaeuser, Foundation Father of the Wisconsin Synod, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly
1976Major PublicationConcordia Publishing HouseFor the major revision of Lutheran Cyclopedia
1976Personal ServiceBuenger, RichardFor Outstanding Financial Support of Concordia Historical Institute
1976Personal ServiceHoelter, Theodore E.For Donating Original Musical Manuscripts and Programs from the 1893 LCMS Convention
1976Personal ServiceMueller, HansFor an Accurate and Thorough Four-year Index of Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly, 1972-1975
1976Personal ServiceSaint Paul Lutheran Church (Serbin, Texas)For the transmission and permanent loan of Congregational Records and Official Acts
1977Congregation HistorySalem Lutheran Church (Springdale, Arkansas)
1977Family HistoryMiller, ElfriedaMemoirs of Albert H. Miller and the Miller Family History
1977Institutional HistoryGobbel, RogerOn the Glorious Hill, (Gettysburg Seminary)
1977Institutional HistorySherer, MichaelStepping Boldly into Our Nation's Third Century, (Iowa District, American Lutheran Church)
1977Journal ArticleKukkonen, Walter J.The Ministry of Enabling: The Finnish Tradition in the Lutheran Church in America, Lutheran Quarterly
1977Journal ArticleMetcalf, MichaelDr. Carl Magnus Wrangel and Pre-Revolutionary Pennsylvania Politics, The Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly
1977Major PublicationAnderson, AlbertGospel, Church, Mission (Biography of Dr. Kent S. Knutson) with Wartburg Theological Seminary
1977Major PublicationJones, George Fenwich and Renate WilsonDetailed Reports on the Salzburger Emigrants Who Settled in America, (Ebenezer, Georgia)
1977Oral HistoryScharlemann, Martin H.Oral Interviews with E. K. Scharlemann printed in Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1977Personal ServiceBorgelt, AlvinMissouri Federation of AAL Branches for Financial Support of Saxon Lutheran Memorial
1977Personal ServiceBornemann, George W.For Negotiating the Donation of the Adolph Brux Papers
1977Personal ServiceCarino, Alvaro A.For Donating His Personal Files
1978Congregation HistoryBernreuter, LudwigHitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us: The Story of St. Michael's Lutheran Church and the Community of Richville, Michigan
1978Journal ArticleAid Association for LutheransThe Correspondent, (a depiction of its museums and archives, etc.)
1978Journal ArticleChrislock, Carl H.Name Change and the Church, 1918-1920, Norwegian-American Studies
1978Journal ArticleNoon, Thomas R.Series of Articles on African-American Lutheran History, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1978Journal ArticleWhite, Joyce L.The Affiliation of Seven Swedish Lutheran Churches with the Episcopal Church, Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church
1978Journal ArticleWolf, Edward C.Lutheran Hymnody and Music Published in America, 1700-1850: A Descriptive Bibliography, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1978Major PublicationAmerican Lutheran ChurchWorld Mission ALC: Program and Review, 1977-1979, The Division for World Mission and Inter-Church Cooperation of the American Lutheran Church
1978Major PublicationKuhlmann, Gustave A.Johnnie Heritage
1978Major PublicationLundeen, Joel W.Preserving Yesterday for Tomorrow: A Guide to the Archives of the Lutheran Church in America
1978Major PublicationLutheran Theological SeminaryStriving for Ministry: Centennial Essays Interpreting the Heritage of Lutheran Theological Seminary, A Festschrift
1978Non-Print MediaBlack Lutheran Centennial Committee (LCMS)Dramatic Presentation at the 1977 LCMS Convention
1978Non-Print MediaTimothy Lutheran Church (Saint Louis, Missouri)Multimedia presentation of its 50-year history
1978Personal ServicePlischke, Walter J.For the translation of Auswanderung der Saechsischen Lutheraner im Jahre 1838
1978Personal ServiceRehwinkel, Alfred M.Donation of Personal Papers
1979Congregation HistorySaint Paul Lutheran Church (Sherwood, Oregon)Creative historical research relating to its centennial history
1979Congregation HistoryTrinity Lutheran Church (Islip, New York)50th Anniversary History
1979Journal ArticleKramer, William and Roger MoldenhauerThe Doederlein Diary, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1979Journal ArticleMain, ElaineThe Fraeulein Chooses Backwoods Iowa, Palimpsest
1979Major PublicationBoozer, Mary ElizabethBethel's Pastors. Bethel Lutheran Church (White Rock, South Carolina)
1979Major PublicationKnudsen, JohannesThe Formation of the Lutheran Church in America
1979Major PublicationNau, JohnNau! Mission Inspired (Biography of Henry Nau)
1979Major PublicationReinke, RalphFor Concordia Heritage Series, shared with Concordia Publishing House
1979Personal ServiceNaumann, GottfriedFor translation of 19th Century satire of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, Raphael's Thraenen
1979Personal ServiceBredemeier, Herbert G.For transferring records of Concordia Junior and Senior Colleges (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
1979Personal ServiceMueller, Ernst H. R.For translating and transcribing many German Fraktur letters and documents
1979PreservationImmanuel Lutheran Church (Pilot Knob, Missouri)For restoration and preservation of its historical sanctuary
1980ChapterJordahl, Leigh D.American Lutheranism: Ethos, Style and Polity, The Lutheran Church in North American Life
1980Congregation HistorySaint Peter Lutheran Church (Fairview, Michigan)
1980Congregation HistoryTrinity Lutheran Church (Del Ray Beach, Florida)
1980Journal ArticleArndt, Karl J. R.Missouri and Bad Boll, 1948, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1980Journal ArticleJohnson, EmorySwedish Elementary Schools in Minnesota Lutheran Congregations, Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly
1980Journal ArticleLindberg, Duane E.Norwegian American Pastors in Immigrant Fiction, 1870-1920, Norwegian American Studies
1980Journal ArticleMunch, Peter A.Authority and Freedom: Controversy in Norwegian-American Congregations, Norwegian American Studies
1980Journal ArticleTelleen, JaneYours in the Master’s Service: Emmy Evald and the Women’s Missionary Society of the Augustana Lutheran Church, 1892-1942, Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly
1980Major PublicationConcordia Publishing HouseFor a facsimile of Luther’s Small Catechism, Wittenberg, 1531
1980Non-Print MediaNorthwestern State University of LouisianaCalvin Peter Thompson: Man of His Times (A Drama)
1980Other, PrintAid Association for LutheransA documentary brochure commemorating the 450th anniversary of the publishing of Luther’s Small Catechism
1980Personal ServiceBrunn, Walter F.For donations of Friedrick Brunn materials
1980Personal ServiceHirsch, RobertDedicatory Address for the Concordia Historical Institute addition, That We May Know, Concordia Historical Institute Quartery
1980Personal ServiceMarmor, HelenNBC News for supporting news coverage of the religious community
1981Congregation HistorySaint Peter Lutheran Church (Dorchester, Wisconsin)100th Anniversary
1981Family HistoryBirkmann, Herbert F.Brief Biographies of my Parents, Gotthilf and Helene Birkmann
1981Family HistoryBurmeister, DorothyThe Family Twillmann
1981Major PublicationAugsburg PublishingThe Struggle for Lutheran Unity and Consolidation in the USA from the Late 1930's to the Early 1970's by Edwin C. Fendt
1981Major PublicationBergendoff, ConradThe Augustana Ministerium: A Study of the Careers of the 2500 Pastors of the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Synod / Church, 1880-1962
1981Major PublicationGlatfelter, Charles H.Pastors and People: German Lutheran and Reformed Churches in the Pennsylvania Field, 1717-1793
1981Major PublicationSchiotz, Frederick A.One Man's Story
1981Major PublicationSuelflow, AugustReligious Archives: An Introduction
1981Non-Print MediaLutheran Laymen's LeagueAudio-visual resources for 50th anniversary of the Lutheran Hour
1981Non-Print MediaIlott, PamelaCBS-TV for a commemorative of the 450th Anniversary of the Augsburg Confession
1981Personal ServiceFreiburger, Paul M.For various activities including supporting the district archives program
1981Personal ServiceHeld, GeorgeDonation of Meissen China
1981Personal ServiceKlammer, Kal K.Shared with Paul Bogan, Sr., Fred Kramer, and Louise Krueger for translating 2500 pages of German materials of Trinity Lutheran Church (Springfield, Illinois)
1981Personal ServiceStahlke, EstherHistorian of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League
1982Congregation HistoryConcordia Lutheran Church (Conover, North Carolina)Hope is Remembering with Praise
1982Congregation HistoryImmanuel Lutheran Church (Minneapolis, Minnesota)Old Immanuel Lutheran Church (Minneapolis, Minnesota) 125th Anniversary
1982Congregation HistoryTrinity First Lutheran Church (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
1982Congregation HistoryTrinity Lutheran Church (Lincoln, Nebraska)
1982Journal ArticleMelloh, Ardith K.Grandfather’s Songbooks or the Psamodikon in America, The Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly
1982Journal ArticleZimmermann, E. C.Henry Midsuno: A Japan Mission in 1895, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1982Major PublicationFlesner, Dorris A.American Lutherans Help Shape World Council
1982Major PublicationSuelflow, AugustSelected Writings of C. F. W. Walther
1982Personal ServiceMarquardt, ReinholdFor transcriptions of German Fraktur manuscripts
1983Congregation HistoryEmmanuel Lutheran Church (Seymour, Indiana)
1983Congregation HistoryMedler, MeredithBuilt on a Rock: A Centennial History of Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Saint Cloud, Minnesota)
1983Congregation HistoryTrinity Lutheran Church (Winfield, Kansas)
1983District / Regional HistoryWehr, PaulLike a Mustard Seed: The Slavia Settlement
1983Family HistoryHopkins, Margaret Lail and James D. LailThe Lagle / Lail Family in America
1983Institutional HistoryMiller, Frank W.Camp Arcadia, the First 60 Years
1983Journal ArticleThe Saturday Evening PostFor an article on a major church
1983Major PublicationRepp, Arthur C.Luther's Catechism Comes to America
1983Non-Print MediaEbel, A. JamesKOLN (Lincoln, Nebraska) for a television documentary
1983Non-Print MediaNebraska District (LCMS)Multi-media centennial history presentation
1983Non-Print MediaNiermann, WalterPioneering use of video tape in recording contemporary history
1983Non-Print MediaSchlueter, Reginald W.For educational and historical displays
1983Personal ServiceGoetsch, Ronald W.For pioneering leadership in district archives
1983Personal ServiceOtte, Gilbert T.For having been a master teacher in conveying archival techniques
1984Congregation HistoryHoly Cross Evangelical Lutheran Church (Saint Louis, Missouri)
1984Regional HistoryBrokenhead Lutheran Historical SocietyFor research in regional Lutheran history
1984Journal ArticleThe Lutheran JournalFor a presentation on Martin Luther
1984Journal ArticleThe Lutheran Witnessfor a series on Martin Luther
1984Major PublicationEklund, EmmetPeter Fjellstedt: Missionary Mentor to Three Continents
1984Major PublicationMeyer, Scott J.Fifty Years in the Footsteps of Walther: Biography of William C. Kohn
1984Non-Print MediaBarnard, MichaelFor creative use of telecast video of a worship service
1984Non-Print MediaDevantier, PaulGod's Love...Reaching
1984Personal ServiceBrueckmann, MarthaFor volunteer work
1984Personal ServiceHirsch, RobertFor patronage of historical work
1984Personal ServiceSaint Paul Lutheran Church (Addison, Illinois)For exemplary translations
1984Personal ServiceSepmeyer, MerlinFor obtaining pictures for Concordia Historical Institute
1984Personal ServiceStueve, MelFor obtaining pictures of Concordia Historical Institute
1984ThesisPakkala, AlaineThe Instrumental Music of the Finnish-American Community in the Great Lakes Region, 1880-1930
1985Congregation HistoryPeace Lutheran Church (Des Moines, Iowa)For a historical slide presentation
1985Congregation HistoryTrinity Lutheran Church (Springfield, Missouri)
1985Family HistoryGnuse, Donald K.Kings and Queens, Serfs and Commoners: The Gnuse Family Tree
1985Family HistoryGottschalk, Norma HabeckThe Garbisch Garden
1985Institutional HistoryBethesda Lutheran HomeFor an 80th Anniversary Exhibit
1985Institutional HistoryCole, EstherLutheran Women's Missionary League Zone History
1985Institutional HistorySchroeder, Morton A.A Time to Remember: An Informal History of Dr. Martin Luther College, 1884-1984
1985Journal ArticleBarton, H. ArnoldThe Swedish American Historical Quarterly, festschrift issue for Nils William Olsson
1985Major PublicationWesterberg, Kermit B., et alFor an exhaustive reference guide to Swedish Americana produced by The Swedish American Historical Society
1985Oral HistoryMartin, H. LawrenceFor a printed overview of Chaplain Captain Raymond Charles Hohenstein
1985Personal ServiceKlabunde, NormaLutheran Women's Missionary League District Historian
1985Personal ServiceKramer, FredFor staunch and consistent patronage of various historical projects
1985Personal ServicePiper, Vernon W.For financial support of Saxon Lutheran Memorial
1986Congregation HistoryEvangelical Lutheran Immanuel Congregation (Preston, Maryland)
1986Congregation HistoryRedeemer Lutheran Church (Hyattsville, Maryland)For a multi-media history
1986Family HistoryMensing, MorellaMoments to Cherish, Memories to Share
1986Institutional HistoryNational Lutheran Campus MinistryNational Lutheran Campus Ministry: The First 80 Years
1986Journal ArticleElbert, E. DuaneThe American Roots of German Lutheranism in Illinois, Illinois Historical Journal
1986Journal ArticlePies, Timothy MarkThe Beginning of Lutheran and Catholic Education in Michigan's Saginaw Valley, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1986Journal ArticleSalvaneschi, Lenore M.For a series of articles on the life of Lutheran pastors and their families
1986Personal ServiceJohnson, Harry F.For service to the Lutheran Chippewa Indian Cemetery (Saint Louis, Michigan)
1986Personal ServiceStewart, LesterFor service to Concordia Historical Institute
1986PreservationHartfield, Paul W.With Saint Paul Lutheran Church (Serbin, Texas)
1986PreservationSchultz, TomWith Trinity Lutheran Church (Detroit, Michigan) for computerizing the church's official records
1987Congregation HistoryImmanuel Lutheran Church (Bay City, Michigan)
1987Congregation HistoryKinder, Elroy F., et alHanover Lutheran Church (Cape Girardeau, Missouri)
1987Family HistoryKastens, DennisNeuhart Chronicle
1987Institutional HistoryHohle, PhilipFor a video depicting Concordia Lutheran College (Austin, Texas)
1987Journal ArticleStumpf, Eric C.Memories of Graduates, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, 1910-1923, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1987Major PublicationHamre, JamesGeorg Sverdrup: Educator, Theologian, Churchman
1987Major PublicationSolberg, RichardLutheran Higher Education in North America
1987Personal ServiceDorn, OttoFor service to Concordia Historical Institute
1987Personal ServiceLuebke, Martin and DorothyAs curators of Saxon Lutheran Memorial
1988Congregation HistoryHanlin, Becky and Karen WoodFrom Our Beginnings... - 75th anniversary of Immanuel Lutheran Church (Schleswig, Iowa)
1988Family HistoryLoeber, Anita and Tekla500 Years: A Genealogy of the Loeber Family
1988Journal ArticleMahsman, DavidFrom the First President, The Lutheran Witness (8 part series)
1988Journal ArticleMoulds, KristineThe Westernmost Missionary, The Lutheran Witness
1988Major PublicationBickel, A. M.The Emigrant
1988Major PublicationCarino, Letty-JaneFil-Am, Saga of a Missionary Wife
1988Major PublicationHahn, Reuben W.For his valuable account as Secretary of Campus Ministry, LCMS
1988Major PublicationLagerquist, L. DeAneFrom Our Mother's Arms: A History of Women in the American Lutheran Church
1988Non-Print MediaSchnake, Luke and JaneFor a video history of Zion Lutheran Church (Marengo, Illinois)
1988Other, PrintPals, HarlanFor a Lutheran Brotherhood calendar depicting historic Lutheran churches in America
1988Personal ServiceMeier, Everette W.For the transcription and translation of 800+ pages of Walther essays
1988Personal ServiceWeinhold, DorothyFor volunteer service through the Concordia Historical Institute Auxiliary
1988PreservationSternberg, John R.For restoring the 1848 church building of Saint Peter Lutheran Church (Schaumburg, Illinois) and establishing a museum
1989Congregation HistorySaint John Lutheran Church (Pinconning, Michgan)Centennial Anniversary (1888-1988)
1989Congregation HistorySchmand, Delbert A.Centennial of First Lutheran Church (Little Rock, Arkansas)
1989District / Regional HistoryHoogstraten, FrankShared with the LCMS Kansas District for the video, Catch the Vision: A Centennial Tribute
1989District / Regional HistoryMatteson, Jean and EdithBlossoms of the Prairie: The History of the Danish Lutheran Churches in Nebraska
1989Family HistoryMayes, Jim and Nola MundtThe Mundt Families
1989Family HistorySchmick, William G.From the Steppes to the Land of Pleasant Living
1989Journal ArticleOlson, Oliver K.Issue of Lutheran Quarterly focused on The Church in New Sweden
1989Journal ArticleTrexler, EdgarCommemorative issue of The Lutheran focused on the Lutheran Church in America (LCA)
1989Major PublicationEklund, EmmetHis Name is Jonas: A Biography of Jonas Swensson
1989Personal ServiceBoehlke, LeroyFor researching and supporting the history, culture, and life of the first Lutheran church in Wisconsin
1989Personal ServiceWesterhaus, MartinFor developing the archives of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
1989PreservationDamann, EugeneShared with The Historical Society of North German Settlements in Western New York for the preservation and use of two historic buildings, Das Haus and Der Stall
1990Community HistoryGoosen, Evelyn von Holten and Leonard BrauerHier Snackt Wi Plattdeutsch, the story of Cole Camp, Missouri
1990Congregation HistoryImmanuel Lutheran Church (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
1990Congregation HistoryNordbrock, RichardThe Story of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Country Club Hills, Illinois
1990District / Regional HistoryThreinen, Norman J.Like a Mustard Seed, a Centennial History of the Ontario District, Canada
1990Family HistoryPodoll, BrianBound by Blood and Name: a history and genealogies of the Podoll families in Prussia and America
1990Journal ArticleChristianity TodayNovember 3, 1989 issue focusing on American Lutheranism
1990Journal ArticleNoland, Martin R.Comprehending Missouri’s Dissent: Holding Fast to Grace, Lutheran Forum
1990Major PublicationHuber, DonaldEducating Lutheran Pastors in Ohio, 1830-1980
1990Personal ServiceDay, Gilbert and NadineCommittee work, financial support, and volunteerism for Concordia Historical Institute
1991Congregation HistoryClayton, Gary, et alDescending Love – Ascending Praise: 1840-1990, (Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Concordia, Missouri)
1991Congregation HistoryWeber, Mary LouA Heritage of Faith, (Immanuel Lutheran Church, Elk Creek, Nebraska)
1991Institutional HistoryErnstmeyer, Milton S.They Shall Not March Alone
1991Institutional HistoryLeske, ElmoreConcordia: 100 Years, Murtoa-Adelaide, (Concordia College, Adelaide, Australia)
1991Institutional HistoryNordquist, Philip A.Educating for Service: Pacific Lutheran University, 1890-1990
1991Journal ArticleWesterhaus, Martin O.The Confessional Lutheran Emigrations from Prussia and Saxony around 1839, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly (Series)
1991Major PublicationNichol, Todd W.Translation of: Vivacious Daughter: Seven Lectures on the Religious Situation among Norwegians in America by Herman Amberg
1991Personal ServiceRehmer, RudolphCareer contributions to Lutheran history
1991PreservationSaint John Lutheran Church (New York City, New York)Restoration of the historic church building
1992Congregation HistoryEmanuel Lutheran Church (Santa Barbara, California)Celebrating 75 Years
1992Congregation HistoryFliege, StuartBulletin insert series / essays for the 150th anniversary of Trinity Lutheran Church (Springfield, Illinois)
1992Congregation HistoryPappin, Carol BethA Century in Christ, A Future in Faith - Saint John Lutheran Church (Pembroke, Ontario)
1992Family HistoryGlamann, Sr., Daryl,The Heritage: History of the of Atchison and Doniphan Counties, Kansas
1992Institutional HistorySaint Paul Lutheran School (Arlington, Nebraska)Come That You May Learn
1992Journal ArticleHartzell, EricMission Zeal of the Infant Wisconsin Synod, 1850-1893, WELS Historical Institute Journal
1992Major PublicationGable, Ann HinkleThe Pastoral Years of Rev. Anthony Henckel, 1692-1717
1992Major PublicationJohson, Jeff G.Black Christians: The Untold Lutheran Story
1992Personal ServiceBoda, Mr. and Mrs. SamuelFor volunteer services supporting Concordia Historical Institute
1992Personal ServiceDannehl, Ruth ProftFor providing a membership program for Concordia Historical Institute
1992Personal ServiceGrebing, DoreneFor support of Saxon Lutheran Memorial and Concordia Historical Institute
1992Personal ServiceKuether, HansFor donation of personal collection
1993Congregation HistoryBruner, Charles, et alSaint John Evangelical Lutheran Church (Okarche, Canadian County, Oklahoma, 1892-1992)
1993Congregation HistoryScharnberg, DarrellOur God, Our Help in Ages Past, Our Hope for Years to Come, 1892-1992, First English Lutheran Church (Spencer, Iowa)
1993Journal ArticleGrindal, GraciaDano-Norwegian Hymnody in America, Lutheran Quarterly
1993Journal ArticleStiemke, GraceA Mid-20th Century Dakota Parsonage, WELS Historical Institute Journal
1993Major PublicationGotwald, Jr. Luther A.The Gotwald Trial Revisited
1993Major PublicationHansen, ThorvaldThe Church Divided: Lutheranism Among the Danish Immigrants
1993Major PublicationHidy, Ross F.Eddy Spirer: The Little Minister
1993Major PublicationOlson, Jeannine E.One Ministry, Many Roles: Deacons and Deaconesses through the Centuries
1993Major PublicationPankow, Fred75 Years of Blessings and the Best is Yet to Come! (Lutheran Laymen's League)
1993Major PublicationSauer, TheodoreTo Every Nation, Tribe, Language, and People (centennial of WELS Missions)
1993Non-Print MediaRitoch, Mr. and Mrs. DavidA Century Preparing for Eternity, Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (Garfield, Minnesota)
1993Personal ServiceClarkson, Mr. and Mrs. KenseyFor producing a special kiosk for CHI at the 1992 LCMS Convention
1993PreservationExler, Mary, et alHanover Lutheran Church (Cape Girardeau, Missouri) for preservation of buildings and museum, etc.
1994Congregation HistoryKamprath, Steve100 Years of God's Grace, 1892-1992: a Centennial History of Zion Lutheran Church (Paulina, Iowa)
1994Congregation HistoryWeiser, Frederick S.The Lutheran Church on the Conewago at Hanovertown, Saint Matthew Lutheran Church (Hanover, Pennsylvania)
1994Family HistoryMayes, Nola Elisabeth Mundt and James Harold MayesThe Koopman Families
1994Institutional HistoryKaden, Kenneth P.A Century of Service: Centennial History - Concordia College (Saint Paul, Minnesota)
1994Journal ArticleBernthal, Edward H. and Wilmar F. BernthalLetters from San Francisco: 1906-1931, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1994Journal ArticleJohnson, John F.The Practicality of History, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1994Major PublicationGustafson, David A.Lutherans in Crisis: The Question of Identity in the American Republic
1994Non-Print MediaDevantier, PaulEaster Alive 'Round the World
1994Non-Print MediaSchwarz, RobertI am a Promise, video segment on the retirement of Fred Martin from Saint Peter Lutheran Church (Arlington Heights, Illinois)
1994Personal ServiceMeyer, Scott and EuniceFor service to Concordia Historical Institute
1995Congregation HistoryBarnes, LloydA History of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (Zanesville, Ohio: 1944-1994)
1995Congregation HistoryHouseholder, TerryThe History of Immanuel Lutheran Church (Avilla, Indiana: 1844-1944)
1995Family HistoryTruax, Patricia LeeTruax-Kemp and Mrazek-Bell Ancestors through All Generations
1995Journal ArticleGranquist, Mark A.Swedish-American Lutherans and Missions, Essays and Reports of the Lutheran Historical Conference
1995Journal ArticleMcArver, Susan WildsA Spiritual Wayside Inn: Urban Missionary Work in the New South: 1900-1920, Essays and Reports of the Lutheran Historical Conference
1995Journal ArticleRichardson, James FremontA Mission for Orphans in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod: A Brief History of Martin Luther Orphan’s Home at Brook Farm, West Roxbury, Massachusetts (1871-1945), Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1995Journal ArticleThreinen, Norman J.C. F. W. Walther: Model of Spiritual Formation in a Confessional Lutheran Context, Lutheran Theological Review
1995Journal ArticleThreinen, Norman J.Wyneken and 19th Century German Lutheranism, Essays and Reports of the Lutheran Historical Conference
1995Major PublicationKrafft, NormanBeloved Brother: Bootleg and Bounty, Frankenmuth and the 1930s
1995Major PublicationPreus, J. A. O.The Second Martin: The Life and Theology of Martin Chemnitz
1995Non-Print MediaDevantier, Paul and Jim LikensWarrior of God, Man of Peace, video on J. A. O. Preus
1995Personal ServiceNaumann, Gottfried H.
1995Personal ServiceOswald, Martin P.For service at Hill of Peace Lutheran Church (Friedenberg, Missouri)
1995Personal ServiceSnyder, Mr. and Mrs. VictorFor service at Saxon Lutheran Memorial
1996Congregation HistoryDeterding, John G.Living with Jesus: A History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Lorenz, Frankenmuth, Michigan, 1845-1995
1996Congregation HistoryMyers, Dean and Marie BahnmullerOne Hundred Years in Word and Sacrament: 1895-1995, Saint Matthew Lutheran Church (White Plains, New York)
1996Congregation HistorySauer, Alvina and Thomas Olson150th anniversary celebration of Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church
1996Congregation HistoryZion Lutheran ChurchOne Hundred Years of Blessings: Zion Lutheran Church Building, Augsburg, 1895-1995
1996District / Regional HistoryThreinen, Norman J.Like a Leaven: A History of the Alberta-British Columbia District, Lutheran Church
– Canada
1996Family HistoryReiss, HaroldThe Weinman Family Book
1996Institutional HistoryBachman, John W.Together in Hope: 50 Years of Lutheran World Relief
1996Institutional HistoryThe American Historical Society of Germans from Russia
1996Journal ArticleBiar, BillDid You Know That?, Peaks and Valleys (Rocky Mountain District edition of The Lutheran Witness, regular historical column)
1996Journal ArticleCwirla, William MGrabau and the Saxon Pastors: The Doctrine of the Holy Ministry, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1996Journal ArticleFeuerhahn, Ronald R.Herman Sasse and North American Lutheranism, Logia
1996Journal ArticleGude, Jr., George J.Training of African-American Church Workers in the LCMS / Synodical Conference, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1996Journal ArticleJarvi, RaymondAspects of Augustana and Swedish America: Essays in Honor of Dr. Conrad Bergendoff’s 100th Year, The Swedish-American Historical Quarterly
1996Journal ArticleWebber, David JayConfessing the Faith in the Language of America: The Historical Context and Enduring Significance of the Henkel Translation of the Book of Concord, Logia
1996Major PublicationSchalk, Carl F.God’s Song in a New Land: Lutheran Hymnals in America
1996Personal ServiceBoldt, Anita ZehnderFor service to Lutheran history in the Saginaw Valley
1997Congregation HistoryGraumann, KathyA Church on Fire: Salem Lutheran Church, (Rosehill, Tomball, Texas)
1997Congregation HistoryJohnson, Ada C.Remember…Rejoice…Renew…Respond: Our Savior Lutheran Church (Norwood Park, Illinois)
1997Congregation HistoryLambertus, ParvinRemembrance of Things Past, the 150th anniversary history of Saint John Lutheran Church (Lanesville, Indiana)
1997Journal ArticleBloomquist, Carl W.Nazi Swastika and Luther Rose, Journal of the New England Historical Society
1997Journal ArticleEngelbrecht, Edward A.Lutheran Confessional Optimism after World War II: Han Lilje and Theodore Graebner, Logia
1997Journal ArticleHeiser, James D.The Church-State Relationship and Augustana XVI in the Writings of C. F. W. Walther and S. S. Schmucker, Logia
1997Journal ArticleJohnson, Karl E. and Joseph A. RomeoJehu Jones (1786-1852): The First African American Lutheran Minister, Lutheran Quarterly
1997Journal ArticleOlson, Oliver K.Lutheranism in the Delaware Valley, Lutheran Quarterly
1997Journal ArticleSchaaf, James L.Father from Afar: Wilhelm Loehe and Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Concordia Theological Quarterly
1997Journal ArticleScott-Thomas, ElaineLutherans and the Social Gospel in Canada in the First Quarter of the Twentieth Century, Consensus
1997Journal ArticleStevens, LelandTrends in the Missouri Synod as Reflected in The Lutheran Witness, 1882-Early 1900s, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1997Major PublicationHoffmann, Oswald C. J.What More is There to Say But Amen
1997Major PublicationWendland, Ernst H.The Diary of a Missionary
1997Major PublicationZiemke, Rose and Ruby YoungA Rainbow of Saris
1997Non-Print MediaDevantier, PaulFree to Voice the Gospel, (KFUO)
1997Non-Print MediaSaxon Lutheran Heritage, Inc.From Faith to Faith, (Video)
1997Personal ServiceGinapp, Gail AnnFor service to Faith Lutheran Church (Grand Prairie, Texas)
1998Congregation HistoryAnderson, Dee and Velma FrankeFor a series of events celebrating the 100th anniversary of Bethlehem Lutheran Church (Ossian, Indiana)
1998Congregation HistoryBehrman, Chester T.150 Christmases: A History of Trinity Lutheran Church, (Darmstadt, Indiana)
1998Congregation HistoryGardner, MarilynFor a creative celebration of the 125th anniversary of Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church (Evanston, Illinois)
1998Congregation HistoryWangelin, WilliamFor multi-faceted efforts to preserve the history of Saint Peter Lutheran Church (Macomb, Michigan)
1998EssayKolb, RobertTileman Hesshus: His Doctrine of the Pastoral Office and its Reception in the Missouri Synod, (Pieper Lectures)
1998EssayWesterhaus, MartinThe Wauwatosa Theology: The Men and Their Message, (introduction to The Wauwatosa Theology)
1998Journal ArticleGreen, Lowell C.The Relationship of Werner Elert and America, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1998Journal ArticleHansen, ThorvaldA Grundtvig in America, The Bridge
1998Journal ArticleMahsman, David L.150th anniversary of the LCMS in The Lutheran Witness
1998Major PublicationAvery, William O.Empowered Laity
1998Major PublicationBachmann, E. TheodoreThe United Lutheran Church in American, 1918-1962
1998Major PublicationRichter, Walter G.Saxons Saga
1998Non-Print MediaBarth, Karl, Paul Devantier, and Pauley A. William, Jr.Sent Forth by God's Blessing: Into the the End of the Age
1998Non-Print MediaKramer, GerhardtFor the restoration of the "Fenwick Cabin" in Frohna, Missouri
1998Non-Print MediaPerschbacher, GeraldLutheran Hour Ministries Calendar focusing on key events in LCMS history
1999Congregation HistoryBrickhaus, Mildred, et alFriedenberg Remembrances: A Story of Peace, Faith, and Life
1999Congregation HistoryPingel, David A.A Century of Grace (video), Saint Stephen Lutheran Church (Hickory, North Carolina)
1999Congregation HistorySchrock, Earl and Glenda H.The Kingdom Ours Remaineth: Saint John Lutheran Church (Russellville, Arkansas)
1999Congregation HistorySmith, Mark and Robert C. CarpenterLifting High the Cross for 200 Years: Saint John Lutheran Church (Conover, North Carolina)
1999Congregation HistoryUllmann, RonSaint John Evangelical Lutheran Church (Wharton, Texas: 1898-1998)
1999Congregation HistoryWeeke, Gene and Vert rees HoodCelebrating Salem's Past, Salem Lutheran Church (Black Jack, Missouri)
1999Institutional HistoryDaniels, Paul A.Thanksgiving and Hope, 125th Anniversary of Luther Seminary (Saint Paul, Minnesota)
1999Journal ArticleBaglyos, Paul A.Samuel Simon Schmucker and the Primitive Church, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
1999Journal ArticleMeyer, Richard H.Exodus from China, Concordia Historical Institute
1999Journal ArticleSchmalenberger, Jerry LChasing Loehe's Ghost: Lutheran Partners
1999Journal ArticleSchurb, Ken R.Twentieth Century Melanchthon Scholarship and the Missouri Synod: With Particular Reference to Richard Caemmerer's "The Melanchthon Blight", Concordia Theological Quarterly
1999Major PublicationBost, Raymond M.Lutheranism with a Southern Accent
1999Major PublicationSuelflow, August R.Heritage in Motion: Readings in the History of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, 1962-1995
1999Major PublicationWiederaenders, Robert C.Historical Guide to Lutheran Church Bodies in North America
1999Non-Print MediaAhlersmeyer, Thomas R., et alFind Us Faithful (Video), Cleveland Lutheran High School Association (Lakewood, Ohio)
1999YouthMather, Christina150 Years of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (essay)
2000Congregation HistoryDoyle, MichaelSent Forth by God's Blessings: A History of Zion Lutheran Church (Maywood, California)
2000Institutional HistoryPerschbacher, GeraldLutheran Layman (series of articles)
2000Journal ArticleBaglyos, Paul A.American Lutherans at the Dawn of the Republic, Lutheran Quarterly
2000Journal ArticleGalchutt, Kathryn M.Trinity Lutheran Church, Milwaukee: From an Immigrant to an Inner-City Church, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2000Journal ArticleHerrmann, GottfriedThe Theological Development of the WELS with Particular Reference to its Doctrine of Church and Ministry, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly
2000Journal ArticleJohnson, Richard O.The Sunday Question, Henry E. Jacobs and Confessional Reappraisal in Eastern Lutheranism, Lutheran Quarterly
2000Journal ArticleLehmann, Arnold O.150th Anniversary of the WELS, WELS Historical Institute Journal
2000Journal ArticleRast, Lawrence R.Demagoguery or Democracy? The Saxon Emigration and American Culture, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2000Journal ArticleSchroeder, JonathanThe Contribution of Adolf Hoenecke to the Election Controversy of the Synodical Conference and an Appendix of Translated Articles, WELS Historical Institute Journal
2000Major PublicationZiehr, RichardThe Struggle for Unity: The Integration of the Lutheran Church in the South
2000BiographyKing, Robert H.Pastor Jenkins Said: "Hang on to Matthew 6:3"
2000Non-Print MediaDevantier, PaulFree to Voice the Gospel: The Epilogue
2000Non-Print MediaFrakes, TimothyA Century in Madagascar
2000Other, PrintDavidson, Harriet A.The Samuel Rothrock Diaries, 1834-1893, Volume 2
2001Congregation HistoryLimback, Phyllis, et alCelebrate God's Blessings, Trinity Lutheran Church (Alma, Missouri)
2001Congregation HistoryMiddeldorf, Carl W.Come Unto Me: Saint Peter Lutheran Church (Eastpointe, Michigan)
2001Journal ArticleBarnbrock, ChristophKirchliche Verfassungsgebung im nordamerikanischen Kontext: Redaktionsgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zum ersten Verfassungsentwurf der Missouri-Synode, Lutherische Theologie und Kirche
2001Journal ArticleBraun, Mark E.Those were Trying Years! Recollections of the Split, WELS Historical Institute Journal
2001Journal ArticleGranquist, Mark A.The Augustana Synod and the Episcopal Church, Lutheran Quarterly
2001Journal ArticleHamre, James S.George Sverdrup’s Expression of a Lutheran Restorationism in America, Lutheran Quarterly
2001Journal ArticleMattes, Mark C.N. F. S. Grudtvig’s Approach to Christian Community and Civic Responsibility, Currents in Theology and Mission
2001Journal ArticleRast, Lawrence R.Pietism and Mission: Lutheran Millennialism in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2001Journal ArticleRobbert, Louis BuengerA Clerical Family in Early Modern Germany: The Buengers, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2001Major PublicationSchuetze, Armin W.The Synodical Conference: Ecumenical Endeavor
2001Major PublicationSpalteholz, Hans, et alGod Opens Doors - A Centennial Celebration of the Northwest District of the LCMS
2001Non-Print MediaBarber, John M. and Roland Cap EhlkeHarvest of Joy (Video)
2002Congregation HistoryDoyle, MichaelMother of the Valley: A History of Saint Paul Lutheran Church (Pomona, California)
2002Congregation HistoryMorrison, S. J.A Centennial History, Trinity Lutheran Church and School (Edwardsville, Illinois)
2002Journal ArticleBraun, Mark E.Being Good Americans and Better Lutherans: Synodical Conference Lutherans and the Military Chaplaincy, WELS Historical Institute Journal
2002Journal ArticleBraun, Mark E.Faith of Our Fathers, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2002Journal ArticleMeyer, Ruth FritzDr. John H. C. Fritz, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2002Journal ArticlePeperkorn, Todd A.C. F. W. Walther’s Kirche und Amt and the Church and Office Debate Between the Missouri and Wisconsin Synods in the Early Twentieth Century, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2002Major PublicationBaepler, RichardFlame of Faith, Lamp of Learning
2002Major PublicationMueller, Robin R. and Nancy C. LeghartMill Neck at the Millenium: 50 Years of Ministry with Deaf People, 1951-2001
2002Major PublicationSchmidt, Wayne W.The Lutheran Parochial School: Dates, Documents, Events, People
2002Major PublicationSifford, Eleanor Elaine and Bernard CruseLife Sketches of Lutheran Clergy, North Carolina Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Antecedents, 1773-1999
2002Major PublicationThomas, Glen and Lois EngfehrProclaiming His Salvation, Concordia Seminary, 75 Years on the Clayton Campus
2003Congregation HistoryGraumann, KathyFrom Hilltop to Hilltop – A Pioneer Spirit Endures, Salem Lutheran Church (Rosehill, Tomball, Texas)
2003Congregation HistoryJohnson, Bill and EbbaZion Lutheran Church (Lahoma, Oklahoma: 1902-2002), Celebrate and Rejoice
2003Congregation HistoryLeinberger, ArleneWalking in the Light, 150 Years of Amelith, Michigan, 1852-2002
2003Journal ArticleFrye, Nancy KetteringTrusting in Providence: Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, the Year 1776, Der Reggeboge
2003Journal ArticleLeaver, Robin A.Walter E. Buszin and Lutheran Church Music in America, Lutheran Quarterly
2003Major PublicationHakala, Victoria B. and William T.Promises Kept: The Story of Aid Association for Lutherans (design and production)
2003Major PublicationKrahn, Janice S.Promises Kept: The Story of Aid Association for Lutherans (corporate archivist)
2003Major PublicationKramer, Howard W.The Kramers of Paitzdorf, Germany and Perry County, Missouri (1475-2002)
2003Major PublicationRichter, Walter G.The One-Room School
2003Major PublicationStrand, PhilipPromises Kept: The Story of Aid Association for Lutherans
2003Non-Print MediaFrakes, TimothyLutheran Roots in America (Video)
2003Non-Print MediaHintz, NathanCelebrating the Musical Heritage of the Lutheran Church (CD-ROMs)
2003Non-Print MediaLikens, JamesHidden Treasures: Celebrating 75 Years of Preserving History, (Video)
2004Congregation HistoryBruning, Glennys125th Anniversary of Saint Paul Lutheran Church (Ellsworth, Kansas)
2004Congregation HistoryBuhrkuhl, MaryBourbon, Missouri
2004Congregation HistoryHofman, Charles and Sue50th Anniversary of Saint Mark Lutheran Church (Hollywood, Florida)
2004Congregation HistoryKrueger, Franklin and SylviaA Journey of Faith: Immanuel Lutheran Church (Cedarburg, Wisconsin)
2004Congregation HistoryPagel, RandyA Church for All Seasons, (Immanuel Lutheran Church)
2004Congregation HistorySchultz, Vernon A.Celebrating a Century of God's Love in Jesus Christ: Saint Paul Lutheran Church (Wisner, Nebraska)
2004Congregation HistoryTheisen, Nancy and JamesProclaiming the Good News of Salvation since 1853: Mount Hulda Lutheran Church (Cole Camp, Missouri)
2004Journal ArticleBraun, Mark E.How Good and Pleasant to Live Together in Harmony, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2004Journal ArticleHeen, Erik M.The Distinction "Material / Form Principles" and its Use in American Lutheran Theology, Lutheran Quarterly
2004Journal ArticleHuelsman, Dale B.The Nature and Function of Holy Scripture as Discussed in Nineteenth Century Lutheran Free Conferences, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2004Journal ArticleQuere, Ralph W.Liturgy, Unity, and Disunity: The Context and Legacy of Lutheran Book of Worship, Currents in Theology and Mission
2004Journal ArticleWengert, TimothyThe Tale of a 1580 Book of Concord: Annotated from the Principality of Ansbach to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Lutheran Quarterly
2004Major PublicationBraun, Mark E.A Tale of Two Synods - Events that Led to the Split between Wisconsin and Missouri
2004Major PublicationCimino, RichardLutherans Today: American Lutheran Identity in the 21st Century
2004Major PublicationNichol, Todd W.Crossings: Norwegian-American Lutheran Identity in the 21st Century
2004Major PublicationNielsen, GoergeJohann Kilian, Pastor
2004Major PublicationKoriath, Kirby L.Music for the Church: The Life and Work of Walter E. Buszin
2004Non-Print MediaBoerger, GeorgeFrom Wendish to German to English (Audio History)
2004Non-Print MediaClauss, DennisLuther (Motion Picture)
2004Non-Print MediaRistow, TimothyFrom Wendish to German to English (Audio History)
2005Journal ArticleChristensen, Rolf BuschardtThe Establishment of Danish Lutheran Churches in Canada, The Bridge
2005Journal ArticleFeverherm, AlanA Founding Family, The Lutheran Witness
2005Journal ArticleNessan, CraigMissionary Theology and Wartburg Theological Seminary, Currents in Theology and Mission
2005Journal ArticleSchurb, KenHistoriography of American Civil Religion: The Cases of Martin E. Marty and Sidney E. Mean in The Anonymous God
2005Journal ArticleTeigen, Erling T.The Legacy of Jakob Aall Ottesen, Lutheran Synod Quarterly
2005Journal ArticleWeber, ChristianThe Future of Loehe's Legacy, Currents in Theology and Mission
2005Journal ArticleWohlrabe, John C.The Preaching of C. F. W. Walther in View of the Doctrine of the Church (Pieper Lectures)
2005Journal ArticleZersen, DavidThe Wends of Texas, The Lutheran Witness
2005Major PublicationHoard, Samuel L.The Truth Will Set You Free
2005Major PublicationJi, Won YongBy the Grace of God, I am What I Am
2005Major PublicationTolzmann, Don HeinrichMissouri's German Heritage
2005YouthHarper, Megan JeanneNever Let Go
2006Journal ArticleBaglyos, Paul A.The Muhlenbergs Become Americans, The Lutheran Witness
2006Journal ArticleGranquist, Mark A.Conrad J. I. Bergendoff (1895-1997), The Lutheran Witness
2006Journal ArticleGranquist, Mark A.Swedish-American Episcopalians and Lutheran-Episopal
Relations in North America, 1850-1935
, Anglican and Episcopal History
2006Journal ArticleLagerquist, L. DeAneBeing Lutheran in Public: Contributions to Social Capital in the Midwest
2006Journal ArticleMeyer, Scott J.A Lutheran Patriarch: Pastor Theodore Kohn, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2006Journal ArticleVieker, Jon D.The Most Beautiful Hymns in the World: The Hymns and Hymn Writers of Early LCMS Hymnals, Logia
2006Major PublicationDarnell, Laura L.Send Me, Send Me! The Story of Laura and Albert Ziegler's Missions to China
2006Major PublicationFry, C. George and Joel R. KurzThe Americanization Process in the Second Generation: The German Lutheran Matthias Loy (1828-1915), Caught Between Adaptation and Repristinization
2006Major PublicationGalchutt, Kathryn M.The Career of Andrew Schulze, 1924-1968: Lutherans and Race in the Civil Rights Era
2006Major PublicationHorton, David M. and George R. NielsenWalking George: The Life of George John Beto and the Rise of the Modern Texas Prison System
2006Major PublicationMoberg, Marlys TaegeTreasured Lives: The Story of Bethesda Lutheran Homes and Services, Inc.
2006Non-Print MediaThe ELS Historical SocietyUnderstanding Our Heritage through the Stories Handed Down from Our Forebears
2007District / Regional HistoryDillon, Mary Beth MuellerWittenberg, Missouri
2007District / Regional HistoryDoyle, Michael J.Feed My Sheep: A History of the Hispanic Missions in the Pacific Southwest District of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
2007Family HistoryMenius, Joseph M.Menius Open to Change: A Biographical Historical Sketch of the Menius Name
2007Journal ArticleBoaden, AnnThe Vocation of the Mind: Augustana College's First Three Women Graduates, The Lutheran Journal
2007Journal ArticleCario, William R.One Blessing after Another: A History of Concordia University Wisconsin, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2007Journal ArticleCollver, AlbertLay Elders: A Brief Overview of Their Origin in the Missouri Synod: Implications for Elders Today, Concordia Journal
2007Journal ArticleMayes, Benjamin T. G.Reconsidering Grabau on Ministry and Sacraments, Lutheran Quarterly
2007Journal ArticlePreus, RolfThe Old Ministry Debate in the Synods of the Synodical Conference an in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod Today, Concordia Journal
2007Journal ArticleVieker, Jon D."Who From Our Mothers' Arms": The Story of the Hymnals that Came Before Us, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2007Major PublicationBaepler, RichardWitness to His Generation: Selected Writings of John Strietelmeier
2007Major PublicationThreinen, Norman J.Religious-Cultural Mosaic: a History of Lutherans in Canada
2008Institutional HistorySuttmeier, TedLutherland, a Dream Fulfilled and Memories...History of Lutherland Pocono Crest, 1926-1982
2008Journal ArticleHellwege, John P.What was Going on Over There? The Missouri Synod's Struggle to Understand Pre-War Germany as Seen in Two Popular Publications, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2008Journal ArticleJohnson, Richard O.No Rest for the Lutherans, Lutheran Forum
2008Journal ArticlePrange, Peter M.John Philipp Koehler and the Exegetical Task, Lutheran Synod Quarterly
2008Journal ArticleSplitter, WolfgangThe "Unknown" Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, Lutheran Quarterly
2008Major PublicationFollstad, VirginiaThe Augustana Evangelical Church
2008Major PublicationFrizell, Robert W.Independent Immigrants: A Settlement of Hanoverian Germans in Western Missouri
2008Major PublicationStaab, William, Theodore Kohlmeier, and Werner KrauseServant of His Savior: A Biography of Heinrich Christoph Boettcher (1846-1919)
2008Major PublicationZimmerman, Paul A.A Seminary in Crisis
2008Non-Print MediaRubenking, Ben and Nathan HarstadStore Per: A Norwegian-American Paul Bunyan of the Prairie
2009District / Regional HistoryWangelin, William R.The History of the Free Evangelical Lutheran Synod in South Africa and Its Relationship with The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
2009Journal ArticleBeard, Gary LeeGeorg Landgraf: A Pioneer Nineteenth Centrury Midwestern Lutheran Pastor: Parts One and Two, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2009Journal ArticleConser, Jr., Walter H.Wilhelm Löhe and the Revolution of 1848, Logia
2009Journal ArticleMeyer, Scott J.Missouri Synod Lutherans Active in Founding the Creation Research Society, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2009Journal ArticleNoland, Martin R.A Tale of Two Seminaries, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2009Journal ArticlePfabe, Jerrald K.Was It Foretold? Theodore Graebner, Millennialists, and the World Wars, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2009Journal ArticlePlocher, David J.Apache Lutheran Mission Beginnings from the Letters of John Plocher, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2009Journal ArticleVieker, Jon D.What a Friend We Have in Jesus, Logia
2009Journal ArticleWangelin, William R.A New Find Sheds Light on an Old Debate: Loehe's Thoughts on the Missouri Synod's Constitution of 1847, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2009Journal ArticleWangelin, William R.Friedrich Lasius and His Efforts for Confessional Lutheranism, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2009Major PublicationThe Good Shepherd InstituteCelebrating the Life and Hymns of Paul Gerhardt and Martin Franzmann
2010Family HistoryChurch, DianaZion in the Fields
2010Family HistoryTruax, Patricia A.The Lochner Family Chronicle: Annotated, Illustrated, and Expanded
2010Journal ArticleBlythe, RichardThe Missouri Synod and the Changing Definitions of Fundamentalism, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2010Journal ArticleBraun, Mark E."He Was a Man and a Christian": The Life and Work of John W. O. Brenner (parts 1 and 2), WELS Historical Institute Journal
2010Journal ArticleBraun, Mark E.Theodore Graebner: Bellwether of Changes in the Missouri Synod, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly
2010Journal ArticleSchuldheisz, Samuel P.Shepherd of Missouri: The Life and Theology of Friedrich Johann Pfotenhauer, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2010Journal ArticleWatson, J. Francis and William E. WatsonCarl Krepper, American Pastor and Nazi Saboteur, Lutheran Quarterly
2010Journal ArticleWood, Kathryn F.Democracy and Doctrine, Lutheran Forum
2010Major PublicationHarrison, Matthew C.At Home in the House of My Fathers
2010Major PublicationNaumann, CherylIn the Footsteps of Phoebe: A Complete History of the Deaconess Movement in The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
2010Major PublicationZersen, DavidShores of Hope: Wends Go Overseas
2010Non-Print MediaRistow, Timothy M.Crossing Jordan
2011District / Regional HistoryDillon, Mary Beth MuellerAltenburg Missouri and the Surrounding Parishes Plus Old Appleton
2011Family HistoryBohls, KentPfluger Family History
2011Family HistoryRue, Norma StubeThe Family Strube
2011Institutional HistoryAlmen, Lowell G.More to the Story: The Legacy and Promise of Lutheran Pension and Benefit Plans
2011Institutional HistoryMcKenzie, Susanne M.Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ: The First Ten Years
2011Journal ArticleAlbrecht, Michael J.John Philipp Koehler (1859-1951) and the Wauwatosa Theology, Lutheran Quarterly
2011Journal ArticleBrenner, John M.The Michigan Synod Separation Reunion, WELS Historical Institute Journal
2011Journal ArticleGranquist, Mark A.The Augustana Synod and the Missouri Synod, Lutheran Quarterly
2011Journal ArticleHellwege, John P.William Loehe: American Lutheranism's Distant Father, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2011Journal ArticleHelmke, John E.Unassuming Witness: The Life and Ministry of Henry Adam Klein, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2011Journal ArticleRast, Lawrence R.J. A. O. Preus: Theologian, Churchman, or Both?, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2011Journal ArticleSavlik, Thomas1839 Old Lutheran Migration Funds and Expenses, WELS Historical Institute Journal
2011Major PublicationKnappe, Wolf DietrichThe Life, Work, and Influence of Wilhelm Loehe (1808-1872)
2011Major PublicationPfatteicher, Philip H.Last on Grant: The History of the First English Evangelical Lutheran Church in the City of Pittsburgh
2011Major PublicationZersen, David J.The Poetry and Music of Jan Kilian
2012Institutional HistoryMoberg, Marlys Taege, et alGod Gave the Increase (LWML)
2012Journal ArticleBaldner, Russell PhilipBrothers Jungck: An Odyssey in Lutheran Synodical Affiliation and Ordination History, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2012Journal ArticleBode, GerhardMan on a Mission: Henry Melchior Muhlenberg (1711-1787) and the Lutherans in America, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2012Journal ArticleFerguson, Jack D.C. F. W. Walther's Theological Perspective on the Christian Congregation (parts 1 and 2), Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2012Journal ArticleFickenscher II. Carl C.The Preaching of C. F. W. Walther, Concordia Pulpit Resources
2012Journal ArticleHerald, DavidPaul Henkel's View of American Religion as Seen Through His Catechisms, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2012Journal ArticleHildebrand, KevinFriedrich Lochner and Der Hauptgottesdienst, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2012Journal ArticleMacKenzie, Camerson A.C. F. W. Walther's Use of Luther, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2012Journal ArticleNoland, Martin R.Walther and the Revival of Confessional Lutheranism, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2012Journal ArticlePless, JohnWilhelm Loehe: His Voice Still Heard in Walther's Church, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2012Major PublicationHarstad, Peter T. and Karyn E. LukasekStore Per: Norwegian-American "Paul Bunyan" of the Prairie
2012Major PublicationKorcok, ThomasLutheran Education: From Wittenberg to the Future
2012Major PublicationMacPherson, Ryan C., et alTelling the Next Generation: The Evangelical Lutheran Synod's Vision for Christian Education, 1918-2011
2012Non-Print MediaKlinger, John and Dale WardWalther (Movie)
2013Institutional HistoryRahn, Robert L.Jesus Never Fails: An Autobiography and History of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation
2013Journal ArticleBrenner, John M.John Bading and the First Fifty Years of Wisconsin Synod History, Wisconsin Synod Quarterly
2013Journal ArticleBrenner, John M.Walther and the Election Controversy, Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly
2013Journal ArticleErling, Maria E.What America Wanted and Swedish American Youth, Currents in Theology and Mission
2013Journal ArticleFerkenstad, Craig A.A Half-Century of Mission Involvement: ELS Foreign Mission Work Prior to 1968, Lutheran Synod Quarterly
2013Journal ArticleLagerquist, L. DeAneLars W. Boe (1875-1942), Lutheran Quarterly
2013Journal ArticleLandry, Stan M.German "Worship Wars" and the 1830 Anniversaries of the Augsburg Confession, Lutheran Quarterly
2013Journal ArticleNaumann, CherylLutheran Deaconesses in North America: Assessing Loehe's Influence, Currents in Theology and Mission
2013Journal ArticleNytroe, Sarah K.The American Reformation Quadricentennial, 1917, Lutheran Quarterly
2013Journal ArticlePless, Joel LorenA Big Sister Helping Out a Little Sister: The St. Louis Years of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, 1870-1878, WELS Historical Institute Journal
2013Major PublicationHarrison, Matthew C.The Church and the Office of the Ministry, Kirche und Amt, by C. F. W. Walther
2013Major PublicationMaxfield, John A.Wilhelm Loehe and the Nineteenth-Century Revival of Lutheran Confessionalism and Mission (Pieper Lectures)
2013Non-Print MediaMoon, H. PaulThe Saxon New World (Movie)
2014Journal ArticleBraun, Mark E.The Reception of Walther's Theology in the Wisconsin Synod, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2014Journal ArticleBraun, Mark E.What Our Fathers Taught Us about Lutheran Schools (parts 1 and 2), Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2014Journal ArticleErling, Maria E.Danish Lutheran Pietists and the Cherokee, Lutheran Quarterly
2014Journal ArticleFarney, Kirk D.Bringing Christ to the Nations: Walter A. Maier, The Lutheran Hour and Global Christian Broadcasting (parts 1 and 2), Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2014Journal ArticleFerguson, Jack D.The Furnace of Dreams: An Account of Soldiers, Pastors, and Chaplains during the American Civil War (1861-1865), Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2014Journal ArticleMueller, Roland M.The Lutheran Children's Home in Winfield, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2014Journal ArticlePrange, Peter M.The Wauwatosa Spring: The Flowering of the Historical Discipline at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (1900-1920), Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly
2014Journal ArticleWangelin, William A.The History of the FELSISA and the Missouri Synod, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2014Major PublicationBrenner, John M.Jars of Clay: A History of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary (1863-2013)
2014Major PublicationCarver, MatthewFor translation of Walther's Hymnal
2014Major PublicationFerguson, Jack D.Pictorial Historiography of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (Volumes 1-3)
2014Major PublicationHyslop, Scott M.The Precious Gift: The Hymns, Carols, and Translations of Henry L. Lettermann
2014Major PublicationMoberg, Marlys TaegeWherever God Sends Us: Inspiring Stories of LWML Mites in the Americas
2014Major PublicationVieker, Jon D.August Crull and the Story of the Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-Book, 1912
2014Major PublicationZager, DanielThe Gospel Preached through Music: The Purpose and Practice of Lutheran Church Music
2014Major PublicationZersen, DavidConcordia [Texas] on the Move, 1926-2013
2014Non-Print MediaLilienthal, Michael G.The Oak Trees Still Stand
2015Congregation HistoryNatzke, RoyalPioneer Church Records Speak: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Jackson, Wisconsin, 1847-1974
2015Journal ArticleFaugstad, Peter J.Centennial of the Lutheran Hymnary
2015Journal ArticleHollowak, Thomas L.God Directs - We Follow Divine Guidance: The First Polish Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Christ, the Lord, Dundalk, Maryland, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2015Journal ArticlePeterson, Cheryl M.The Past, Present, and Future of American Lutheran Bishops, Lutheran Forum
2015Journal ArticleRiley, BenjaminOlive Gruen: The Connection Between LCMS Mainland China and Taiwan Missions, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2015Journal ArticleSeying, LaokouxangHMong Mission in the LCMS, Missio Apostolica
2015Journal ArticleLeininger, Jeffrey, et alFor a dedicated issue on Concordia University, Chicago in Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2015Major PublicationBosse, Jeffrey A.When Everybody Boosts, Everybody Wins: The Untold Story of Evansville Mayor, Benjamin Bosse
2015Major PublicationForde, MariannaGerhard O. Forde: A Life
2015Major PublicationFreese, James W.Paul O. Manz: The Enduring Legacy of the Hymn Festival
2015Major PublicationGrindal, GraciaSister Elisabeth Fedde: "To Do the Lord's Will"
2015Major PublicationKohl, DavidLutherans on the Yangtze
2015Major PublicationMalinkowa, TrudlaJan Kilian (1811-1884) - Pastor, Poet, Emigrant
2015Major PublicationRaabe, Nancy M.Carl F. Schalk: A Life in Song
2015Major PublicationTownsend, TimMission at Nuremberg: An American Army Chaplain and the Trial of the Nazis
2015Major PublicationTredway, ThomasConrad Bergendoff's Faith and Work: A Swedish-American Lutheran, 1895-1997
2015Major PublicationWatson, J. FrancisThe Nazi Spy Pastor: Carl Krepper and the War in America
2016ChapterDawn, Russell and Jeff MallinsonA Genealogy of Lutheran Higher Education, from The Idea and Practice of a Christian University
2016Congregation HistoryCrone, John C."It Is a Good Work," Saint John’s Lutheran Church: Winchester-Frederick County, Virginia, Our First One Hundred and Fifty Years – From 1787 to 1937
2016Congregation HistoryHollowak, Thomas L.A Testament to Faith: The First Polish Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Christ the Lord
2016District / Regional HistoryHintze, Jr., Otto C.From Ghosts to God in Enga Land: Planting His Church Among the People of Central Papua New Guinea
2016GenealogySladky, AnneOur Hadeland Ancestors
2016Journal ArticleAlbers, JamesWalter H. Wente: Humanist, Educator, and Advocate for Curricular Change, Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference
2016Journal ArticleBaldner, Russell PhilipInstitution, Structure, and Place: Revisiting the Historiographic Circumstances of the Saxon Lutheran Lehrenstalt – Log Cabin College, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2016Journal ArticleGrime, Paul J.The Lutheran Hymnal after Seventy-Five Years: Its Role in the Shaping of Lutheran Service Book, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2016Journal ArticleGurgel, Stephen S.The War to End All Germans: Wisconsin Synod Lutherans and the First World War, WELS Historical Institute Journal
2016Journal ArticleJensen, Gordon A.Issue of Consensus on the history of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatoon
2016Major PublicationGranquist, Mark A.Lutherans in America
2016Major PublicationPaust, Ingerose with Wolf Knappe and Gerhard GrabenhoferThe Exodus of the Eight Hundred
2016BiographyBoyagoda, RandyRichard John Neuhaus: A Life in the Public Square
2016BiographyNaumann, Cheryl D.The Life and Words of Deaconess Clara Strehlow
2016Non-Print MediaAlbrecht, Ardon with J. Bart Day and Jon D. ViekerThe First Rosa: Teacher, Confessor, Church Planter
2016Other, PrintJohnson, Richard EdwardMercy in Action: Essays on Mercy, Human Care, and Disaster Response
2016Personal ServiceSuelflow, Edwin S.For translation of Minutes from the General Conference of the Missouri Synod – Doctrine of Election (with other previous translation work)
2017ChapterKreutzer, SusanneDeaconess Nurses in Germany, Sweden, and the United States, from Deaconesses in Nursing Care
2017ChapterLindell, Joanna ReilingEarly Printed Protestant Reformation Material in United States Collections, from Martin Luther and the Reformation
2017ChapterRassieur, Thomas E.Lutheran Paintings in America, from Martin Luther and the Reformation
2017Congregation HistoryClark, Philip P.A Communion of Saints: A History of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, 1740-2015
2017BiographyBeethe, IreneCharles W. Ore: An American Original
2017Journal ArticleErickson, ScottNorth Park at 125: David Nyvall’s Enduring Impact on Christian Higher Education, The Swedish-American Historical Quarterly
2017Journal ArticleGalchutt, Kathryn M.Lutherans and the Civil Rights Struggle in Selma, Lutheran Historical Conference Journal
2017Journal ArticleNytroe, Sarah K.Lutheran Historical Pageants: Dramatization and Identity Formation during the Reformation Quadricentennial, Lutheran Historical Conference Journal
2017Journal ArticleRaj, Victor A.A dedicated edition of Lutheran Mission Matters
2017Major PublicationHoward, Thomas AlbertRemembering the Reformation: An Inquiry into the Meanings of Protestantism
2017Major PublicationMelton, James van HornReligion, Community, and Slavery on the Colonial Southern Frontier
2017Non-Print MediaNoland, MartinMemories of Trinity Lutheran Church, Evansville, Indiana
2017District / Regional HistoryAllen, Kate and John IngulsrudThe Norwegian-American Lutheran Experience in 1950s Japan: Stepping up to the Cold War Challenge
2018Director's AwardEdelmann, Helmut1. Brüderporträtbuch der Pastoren für Amerika des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Amerikaseminars, Breklum
2. Evangelisch-Lutherische Predigerseminar der Pastoren für Amerika 1882 bis 1931
3. Dem Glauben ein Gesicht geben Lutherisch? Lutheran?
2018Major PublicationLeaver, Robin A.The Whole Church Sings: Congregational Singing in Luther's Wittenberg
2018Major PublicationLoy, DavidAs editor of C. F. W. Walther - American-Lutheran Pastoral Theology
2018Major PublicationTiews, ChristianAs translator of C. F. W. Walther - American-Lutheran Pastoral Theology
2018Major PublicationPihkala, PanuEarly Ecotheology and Joseph Sittler
2018Major PublicationSpringer, Carl P. E.Cicero in Heaven: The Roman Rhetor and Luther's Reformation
2018Major PublicationWengert, Timothy J.As editor of Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Tradition
2018BiographyBaepler, RichardKeeper of the Dream: O. P. Kretzmann
2018Family History - GenealogyCrone, JohnRecords and Remembrances of the Adjoining Cemetery at Saint John’s Lutheran Church, Winchester – Frederick County, Virginia
2018Family HistoryNatzke, RoyalMichael Natzke, Bertha Wilke and Descendants as Remembered by Their Descendants
2018Institutional HistoryStevens, Robert AllanAnticipation Exceeded Realization: Saga of an Antebellum College - The Story of the Original Illinois State University
2018PreservationKlausmeier, Robert, et alEmmanuel 150: Thus Far the Lord has Helped Us [Emmanuel, Fort Wayne, Indiana]
2018Other: DemographyHawley, GeorgeDemography, Culture, and the Decline of America’s Christian Denominations
2018Journal ArticleBiebert, Nathaniel J.Johannes Strieter, Raconteur of Past Reminiscences, WELS Historical Institute Journal
2018Journal ArticleHellwege, Jr., John P.American Lutherans and Pre-World War II Germany, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2018Journal ArticleJacobson, Thomas E.A History and Examination of the Danish Lutheran Utah Mission: A Response to the Mormon Scandinavian Mission, 1849-1959, Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference
2018Journal ArticleLehninger, PaulAs editor of Logia 26:1
2018Journal ArticlePeterson, Mark EdwinGerman Readers and the Formation of the Henkel Press in Virginia, Yearbook of German-American Studies
2018Journal ArticleRast, Jr., Lawrence R.Reflections on the Effects of the Reformation in American Lutheranism, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2018Journal ArticleStrasburg, JamesReviving the Heartland: American Lutherans, Postwar Internationalism, and the Crisis of German, 1940-1949, Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference
2019Major PublicationVorlander, HermannChurch in Motion: The History of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Bavaria
2019Memoir / BiographyScaer, David P.Surviving the Storms: Memoirs of David P. Scaer
2019Fictionalized HistorySchumm, Katherine EdwinsAmen: Doorway to America
2019Institutional HistoryJohnson, Richard O.Changing World, Changeless Christ: The American Lutheran Publicity Bureau, 1914-2014
2019Major Publication - ReferenceCarver, MatthewFor translation of Lutheran Prayer Companion
2019District / Regional HistoryDonlon, ReginaGerman and Irish Immigrants in the Midwestern United States, 1850-1900
2019Journal ArticleCollver III, Albert B.Brief History of the International Lutheran Council, International Lutheran Council - 26th Conference Program Book
2019Journal ArticleFarney, Kirk D."A [Radio] Tower of Strength": Walter A. Maier, Broadcasting, and Gospel Proclamation, Lutheran Mission Matters
2019Journal ArticleJacobson, Thomas E.The Forgotten Fate of Hauge’s Synod, Lutheran Forum
2019Journal ArticleRichmann, Christopher J.American Lutheran Youth Ministry after World War II and Lutheranism Today, Lutheran Quarterly
2019Journal ArticleSchurb, Ken R.Devices and Structure in the Radio Sermons of Oswald Hoffmann, Concordia Pulpit Resources
2019Journal ArticleStevens, Robert AllanLutheran Fault Lines at Mid-Century: Charles Anderson and Ansgar College, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2019Journal ArticleStohs, Anita ReithLetters from the Heart of Texas: A Seminary Student’s Vicarage Year in South Central Texas, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2019Journal ArticleStohs, ChristopherDefending Deutschtum, Yearbook of German-American Studies
2020Congregation HistoryHolmquist, ThomasSalemsborg: A History of the Salemsborg Lutheran Church, 1869-1939 [Kansas]
2020Institutional HistoryGranquist, Mark A.A History of Luther Seminary, 1869-2019
2020Family HistorySandfort, Robert M.The Johann Dietrich Hollrah Family: 700 Years of Hollrah Family History
2020Major PublicationBorrasso, Matthew E.The Art of Exegesis: An Analysis of the Life and Work of Martin Hans Franzmann
2020Major PublicationLutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns
2020ChapterMaas, KoreyThe First and Chief Article, from The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls
2020Journal ArticleSeddon, Constance R.Early History of the Concordia Publishing House Music Department, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2020Journal ArticleGrindal, GraciaLanstad in America, Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference
2020Journal ArticleMoldstad, Donald L.Born Amid War, Born of War: The Development and Early Years of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Lutheran Synod Quarterly
2020Journal ArticleSchaum, Charles P.The Highest and Ultimate Gift of God: A Brief History of Concordia Publishing House in the German-Era LCMS, Concordia Theological Quarterly
2020Journal ArticleGrindal, GraciaJaroslav Vajda, 1919–2010, Lutheran Forum
2021Major PublicationLochner, Friedrich and Matthew Carver (translator)Chief Divine Service
2021Major PublicationNessan, Craig L.Wilhelm Loehe and North America: Historical Perspective and Living Legacy
2021AutobiographyStrieter, Johannes and Nathaniel J. Biebert (translator)Sacred Storytelling: The Autobiography of Johannes Strieter (1829-1920) and Related Sources
2021Journal ArticleChariton, Jesse"No Ill Will": The Experience of a Black Conservative Lutheran in the Civil Rights-Era South. Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference
2021Journal ArticleCollver, Albert B. and Charles P. Schaum (translators)Letter to J. W. Behnken from Hermann Sasse Regarding the Bad Boll Conferences – May 14, 1948. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2021Journal ArticleLange, Jonathan G.Fellowship in Its Necessary Context: The Doctrine of the Church and the Overseas Theses of 1961. Concordia Theological Quarterly
2021Journal ArticleNickodemus, Benjamin J.C. F. W. Walther’s Real Response to a Real Church: A Nuanced Response to the Infallibility of the Pope and the First Vatican Council. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2021Journal ArticleRoyce, ChristopherA Brief History of Calvary Lutheran University Chapel at the University of Wisconsin – Madison 1920-1964. Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2021ChapterSchild, MauriceTruth and Tyranny. Hermann Sasse’s 1936 Missive to Ludwig Fürbringer from Der Theologe Hermann Sasse, edited by Werner Klän
2022Major PublicationBerger, DavidSeminex in Print: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Published Material and Selected Archival Resources for Historical Research
2022Major PublicationCallahan, BenPromises Unfulfilled: A History of the First Lutheran College in North Carolina
2022District HistoryStechholz, David P.The English District Saga: A Niche in the History of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America
2022Regional HistoryWinde, HermannEarly History of the Lutheran Church in Georgia
2022Institutional HistorySchmeling, Gaylin R.Sent by the Shepherd: Seventy-Five Years at Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary with related articles from Lutheran Synod Quarterly
2022ChapterHaemig, Mary JaneHenry Melchior Muhlenberg’s Catechetical Efforts in Colonial America, 1742-1752 in Teaching Reformation: Essays in Honor of Timothy J. Wengert
2022ChapterSafstrom, MarkLutheran Pietist and Covenant Church History: C. O. Rosenius and the Reading Culture of the Mission Friends in Sacred Migrations: Borderlands of Community & Faith, Essays in Honor of Philip J. Anderson
2022Journal ArticleEinertson, Christian J.Caught Between Norway, Denmark, and Missouri: The Confessional Identity of the Norwegian Synod from 1853 to 1917, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2022Journal ArticleOtto, Joel D.The Church Grows Under the Cross: Mission Expansion in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 1929-1983, (Five Parts). Wisconsin Lutheran Quarterly
2022Journal ArticlePhelps, Benjamin T.A Cause of Distress: The Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the West, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2022Journal ArticlePhelps, Benjamin
Newspaper War: The Lutheran Observer and the Lutherische Kirchenzeitung Fight the First Open Battle over Lutheran Doctrinal Identity in 19th Century America, Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference
2023Major PublicationFarney, Kirk D.Ministers of a New Medium: Broadcasting Theology in the Radio Ministries of Fulton J. Sheen and Walter A. Maier.
2023Regional HistoryCarver, MatthewFor translation of The Emigration of the Saxon Lutherans in the Year 1838 and Their Settlement in Perry County, Missouri, including an Account of the Emigration and Founding of the Missouri Synod by C. F. W. Walther and a Memorial by J. F. Koestering to G. A. Schieferdecker.
2023Regional HistoryKolodziej, Benjamin A.Joyful Singing: A Story of Lutheran Sacred Music in Texas.
2023Journal ArticleHaupt, BenjaminA Review of Herman Koppelmann’s Essay ‘Walther and Missions’, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly
2023Institutional HistoryHartzell, EricInashood: The Story of the Arizona Apache Lutheran Missions and Their Pastors.
2023Institutional HistoryJass, Stephanie J.Days Filled with Sunshine: One Hundred Years of Camp Arcadia.
2023Journal ArticleGranquist, MarkAmerican Lutheran Reactions to the Labor Movement in the 1890s, Journal of the Lutheran Historical Conference
2023Institutional HistoryPrahlow, JimLutheran High School Association – Tidings of Great Joy – The History of Our Schools.
2023BiographyBrauer, DavidMissionary to America: E. A. Brauer, 1819-1896.
2023Family HistoryLuecke, EdgarThe Luecke Family of Cleveland, Ohio (1847-2022).
2023BiographyWyman, Sharon M.Power, Passion, and Faith: Emmy Carlsson Evald, Suffragist and Social Activist.
2023Other, PrintStephenson, John R.Aphorisms on Church and Office Old and New by Wilhelm Löhe
2023Congregational HistoryDuda, Judith M., Alicia Hubert Duffy and Paul W. WehrLike a Mustard Seed: A Century of Faith, Saint Luke Lutheran Church (Oviedo, Florida)
2023Journal ArticleCorzine, JacobWilhelm Loehe’s 1866 Sermons on the Lord’s Supper, Lutheran Quarterly
2023Journal ArticlePhetsanghane, Souksamay K.A translation of August Pieper’s “Hitler and the Protestant Church of Germany”, WELS Historical Institute Journal
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