Walther Statue

The Walther Roundtable is an annual gathering of scholars and students interested in the life and work of C. F. W. Walther. It originated through the efforts of the Institute director, Dr. August R. Suelflow, in 1989 in connection with his research for his biography of Walther. Currently chaired by the Rev. Dr. Thomas Manteufel, professor emeritus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, it is typically held in the conference room of CHI.


  1. To develop a deeper understanding of the life and work of
    C. F. W. Walther;
  2. To gain a new understanding of Walther's theology
    as a biblical-confessional theologian and its special relevance for today;
  3. To enlarge the circle of Walther scholars and students (Walther Kenner)
    for their theological growth as well as for that of the entire Lutheran
    Church in America;
  4. To overcome some of the misconceptions about Walther and to present
  5. To cultivate a deeper appreciation for the heritage of the church body
    to which we belong;
  6. To give all glory to God in Christ for His great revelation of the
    Gospel and to proclaim (believe, teach and confess) this to each new


Upcoming Walther Roundtable

Walther Roundtable for 2024 CANCELLED!

Past Walther Roundtable Programs

Program: Roundtable I, March 16, 1989

Retracing Walther’s Footsteps in Europe by August R. Suelflow
Walther and Confessional Subscription by Charles Arand
Walther on Holy Baptism by Norman Nagel
Walther on Baptism as Reflected in the Hymns by Jon Vieker

Program: Roundtable II, March 29, 1990

Walther's Position on the Congregation's Right to Call Their Pastors by Wilbert Rosin
Church/State Dimensions in the Formation of Selected 19th-century German Lutheran Free Churches by Gregory Jans
Walther, the Congregation, and the Gesammtgemeinde by August R. Suelflow
Walther and the Ministry by Jerald Joersz

Program: Roundtable III, March 26, 1991

J. Baier's Theses on "Ecclesiastical Ministry" by Todd Wilken
Walther's Edition of Dietrich's Catechism by Charles Arand
Walther and the "All glory to God" theme by August R. Suelflow
Grabau and the Saxon Pastors' Doctrine of the Holy Ministry: 1840-1852 by William Cwirla

Program: Roundtable IV, March 31, 1992

Program: Roundtable V, March 30, 1993

Purpose/Walther Research Update by August R. Suelflow
Walther on the Right of the Congregation to Choose its Pastor by William Schmelder
Walther as Preacher by H. Armin Moellering
The Sacred Songs of C. F. W. Walther by Wayne Schmidt

Program: Roundtable VI, March 29, 1994

Purpose/Walther Update by August R. Suelflow
Walther as Director of Home and Foreign Missions by Paul M. Heerboth
Walther's Attitude Towards the Synodical Conference by George J. Gude
Walther's Church and Ministry: Synodical Position by William J. Schmelder

Program: Roundtable VII, March 28, 1995

Purpose and Objectives by August R. Suelflow
Walther's View of "Experience": Thesis IX of Law and Gospel by Joel Lehenbauer
Errors in the Tradition of Walther's Research by August R. Suelflow
Walther and the Ministry According to Rechte Gestallt by Norman Nagel
Walther's Gnadenwahl teaching by Thomas Manteufel

Program: Roundtable VIII, 1996

Charles G. Finney: Lectures on Systematic Theology, 1846-1847 by Tom Baker

Program: Roundtable IX, April 29, 1997

Walther and Sasse by Ronald R. Feuerhahn
Law and Gospel by Thomas Baker
Walther and "Open Questions" by August R. Suelflow
Walther and the Altenburg Debate by William Schmelder
Walther Round Table objectives
Walther Biography Objectives by August R. Suelflow
Manuscript: Law and Gospel by Thomas Baker

Program: Roundtable X, 1998

Program: Roundtable XI, March 30, 1999

Law and Gospel in Cross-cultural Settings by Robert Scudieri
Walther Biography by August Suelflow
Walther Publication Project by Thomas Egger
Walther the Churchman Faces the American Scene by Ken Schurb
Walther's Early Years in Synod and Seminary by August Suelflow
Rationale: Walther's Writings: a Definitive Set by Thomas Egger

Program: Roundtable XII, March 28, 2000

Walther as Theologian by Thomas Manteufel
Commemoration of Dr. A. R. Suelflow
Update on Walther Biography and on the Proposed Critical Edition of Walther
Walther and the Saxons in the East by Marvin Huggins
New Walther Exhibit by Mark Loest

Program: Roundtable XIII, April 26, 2001

Walther and Justification by Daniel Preus
Review of Servant of the Word by Thomas Manteufel
Justification: Walther and the Eastern Lutherans by Lawrence Rast, Jr.
Discussion of "By Virtue of My Office" (CJ, January 2001)
CHI Walther Exhibit by Mark Loest
Advertisement: Walther Biography, Servant of the Word by August Suelflow
Report of Task Force on National/District Relations by Paul Schrieber

Program: Roundtable XIV, April 3, 2002

Grabau on "The Missourian Spirit vs. the Lutheran Church" by Bruce Cameron
Walther and the Lodge by Jerald Joersz
Walther and "Open Questions" by David Boisclair
Walther and Prayer by David Tilney

Program: Roundtable XV, April 23, 2003

The Literature in the LCMS about Worship from the Walther Period by James Brauer
Waltherians and CHI by Mark Loest
The Attenuation of Doctrinal Confession in the Constitution, Bylaws and Conventions of the LCMS by Charles Schaum
Walther and the Public Square in Context by Timothy Dost

Program: Roundtable XVI, April 21, 2004

Walther's Law and Gospel and Homiletical Practice Recovering the Lost Art of Disposition by David Schmitt
Confessional Lutheran Orthodoxy: Why the Missouri Synod Grew Up Different in the Field of American Lutheranism by Martin Noland
Another Look at Walther's Predestination Arguments by Timothy Dost
Dr. Walther Did Not Approve by Thomas Manteufel
Overview: Concordia Historical Institute Digital Archives, vol. 1. Conventions of the LCMS, 1847-1926; Doctrinal resolutions of the LCMS, 1847-1926; Schulz's index of doctrinal topics in LCMS Proceedings, 1847-2001; Correspondence indexes of conventions and early LCMS leaders

Program: Roundtable XVII, April 6, 2005

Walther's Evening Lectures on Inspiration by Thomas Manteufel
Walther on Syncretism by Bruce Cameron
Walther's Use of Scripture by Timothy Dost

Program: Roundtable XVIII, April 26, 2006

Walther's Evening Lectures on Inspiration (Part II) by Thomas Manteufel
C. F. W. Walther: Pastor, Theologian, Musician by James Brauer
Walther's Practice as Seelsorger by Timothy Dost

Program: Roundtable XIX, April 11, 2007

Walther's Evening Lectures on Inspiration (Conclusion) by Thomas Manteufel
Walther on Church and Ministry by Albert Collver III
Film: Seminary Dedication, 1926

Program: Roundtable XX, April 2, 2008

Walther and Evolution by Christian Tiews
The Lutheran Church and the Missouri Synod by William Schumacher
Study of "Duties of an Evangelical Lutheran Synod" (Convention essay, 1879) by Thomas Manteufel

Program: Roundtable XXI, April 1, 2009

A Walther Travelogue by Matthew Harrison
Understanding our Roots by William Schumacher
Brainstorming for the Walther Bicentennial Celebration (2011)
Walther and the Dogmaticians by Albert Collver III
Walther Nomination Form and Rationale for the St. Louis Walk of Fame

Program: Roundtable XXII, May 12, 2010

Walther Bicentennial Reports and Plans by Marvin Huggins
"Sola Scriptura" in the Walther Jubilee by Thomas Egger
"The Walther Jubilee" (1911) by Thomas Manteufel
The Muhlenberg Tricentennial-Walther and Muhlenberg by Timothy Dost

Program: Roundtable XXIII, October 25, 2011

Tour of CHI Museum at LCMS International Center
Tour of CHI
Chapel Service at Concordia Seminary
Tour of Historic Trinity and Concordia Cemetery and Walther Mausoleum
Showing of Movie "Walther"
Evening Presentations by Dale Meyer and Matthew Harrison

Program: Roundtable XXIV, October 10, 2012

The 125th Anniversary of Walther's Passing by Thomas Manteufel
Military Chaplaincy in the Missouri Synod by David Wollenburg

Program: Roundtable XXV, April 24, 2013

Walther and the Civil War by William Schumacher
Walther and Slavery: Introductory Comments by Thomas Egger
Walther's View on Slavery by Thomas Manteufel
Notes on the Spanish Translation of Walther's Law and Gospel Theses by Mark Kempff

Program: Roundtable XXVI, April 23, 2014

Development of the Seminary Curriculum in Walther's Time by Gerhard Bode
Curriculum and Library by Benjamin Haupt
The Log Cabin Seminary by James Thomas
An Illustrious Student of Walther: W. H. T. Dau by Shawn Barnett
Seminary Life in Walther's Day by Thomas Manteufel

Program: Roundtable XXVII, 2015

Walther publications at Concordia Publishing House by Benjamin Mayes
Law and Gospel and the Center for Hispanic Studies by Mark Kempff
The Early Missouri Synod Approach to Variant Readings by Shawn Barnett
Franz Julius Biltz: A Notable Graduate by Lee Hagen

Program: Roundtable XXVIII, 2016

C.F.W. Walther and the General Council by Jonathan Ripke
The Altenburg Debate by Lawrence Rast
Announcements: The Altenburg Museum, upcoming Walther publications from CPH, upcoming English translation of J.F. Koestering's Auswanderung, upcoming events at Concordia Historical Institute
F.C.D. Wyneken's Distress of the German Lutheran sin North America by Gerhard Bode

Program: Roundtable XXIX, May 9, 2017

C.F.W. Walther's Discussions of the Reformation from the Pulpit by Daniel N. Harmelink
C.F.W. Walthers' Reports about Earlier Reformation Celebrations: A Translation from Der Lutheraner by Thomas Manteufel
C.F.W. Walther's Pastoral Theology for Today's Pastoral Ministry by Richard Warneck

Program: Roundtable XXX, February 5, 2018

Summary of the Last Chapter of Confessing the Gospel (Election) by Thomas Manteufel
A Report on "Election" in Franz Pieper's "Walther as Theologian" by John Rhoads
A Summary of the History and Issues of the Election Controversy during Walther's Career by Timothy Dost

Program: Roundtable XXXI, April 24, 2019

Walther's Gift to a New Pope: The 1878 Publication of Passional by Daniel N. Harmelink
Review of Pastoral Theology by Timothy Dost
Walther's Mariology by Thomas Manteufel
Walther and Papal Infallibility by Benjamin Nickodemus

Program: Roundtable XXXII, May 7, 2020

The Walther Roundtable for May 7, 2020 was cancelled due to the St. Louis County "stay-at-home" order because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Program: Roundtable XXXII, May 6, 2021

A Review of H. Koppelmann's Walther and Missions by Benjamin Haupt
An Overview of Walther on Missions by Thomas Manteufel
Walther and the Leipzig Mission Society by Benjamin Nickodemus [in absentia] (presented by Christian Einertson)
The English Synod and Walther's Desire for the Promotion of Christ's Kingdom in the English Language by Frederic Baue

Program: Roundtable XXXIII, May 5, 2022

The Missouri Synod and the Tennessee Synod by Frederic Baue
An Overview of the Lutheran Denominations in 1847 by Thomas Manteufel
The Missouri Synod and the General Synod by Timothy Dost
William Dallmann Sermon on the Necessity of a New Synod (1847) presented by Jonathan Vieker

Program: Roundtable XXXIV, May 11, 2023

C.F.W. Walther and Ottomar Fuerbringer by Kent Burreson
Walther and Friedrich Brunn by Thomas Manteufel
C.F.W. Walther and Jacob A. Ottesen by William Schumacher
The Correspondence of C.F.W. Walther: An Overview by Timothy Grundmeier

Program: Roundtable XXXV, May 2024



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