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Historical Footnotes 2018

CHI Historical Footnotes v.63

The combined 2018 issue of the CHI membership newsletter, Historical Footnotes (volume 63 issues 1 and 2), has been released and boy, is it filled with useful information!

Articles in this issue include “Access, Access, access!: CHI Archives Catalog Now Accessible on Computer and Smartphone”, “Advancing the Early History of the Missouri Synod: Roundtable Reaches 30 Year Milestone”, “Helping Others Discover a Variety of Historical Treasures: Volunteers Play a Critical Role in Treasuring and Trumpeting Lutheran History”, “Pressed into Service by the Word of God” Museum Exhibit Catalog Now Available”, “Engaging Articles and Reviews Available in 2018 issues of the Quarterly”, “Announcing the Upcoming CHI Museum Exhibit Commemorating 125 Years of Missouri Synod Mission Work in India”, “Recognizing Outstanding Publications on Lutheran History in North America”, “Those Who have Gone Before: Commemorating Rostered Missouri Synod Church Workers”, “The United States Supreme Court and Lutheran Parochial Schools: Framing the Identity of Lutheran Schools in North America”, “For All the Saints: Memorial gifts given to Concordia Historical Institute”, “Historic Archives from Concordia College in Selma, Alabama Rescued”, “Director’s Circle”, “Prayerfully Consider including CHI in Your Estate Planning”, and “Rescuing 125 Years of Lutheran History in South India”

Want your own copy? Sign up to become a member of CHI today!

Historical Footnotes is sent to all members of the Institute. The current issue is available to non-members for $2.00, with back issues available to members and non-members for that same price. Shipping and handling are extra for back issues.

Historical Footnotes Back Issues Available