Look what just appeared in the mail! More LCMS Celebration! The Winter 2019 Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Volume 92, no.4) is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Concordia Publishing House.
To celebrate the anniversary of the publishing house of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, the following articles are provided: “Remembering and Rejoicing: Reflections on the 150th Anniversary of Concordia Publishing House: An Address at the Concordia Historical Institute Annual Awards Banquet” by Paul T. McCain; “A House with One Heart for the Triune God, Christ’s Church on Earth, and The People of All Nations” by Jack D. Ferguson, and last, but not least, “Early History of the Concordia Publishing House Music Department” by Constance R. Seddon. Book reviews in this issue include: John T. Pless’ review of C.F.W. Walther’s “Walther’s Works: Predestination,” Richard C. Resch’s review of Robin A. Leaver’s “The Whole Church Sings: Congregational Singing in Luther’s Wittenberg,” and Henry V. Gerike’s review of Elisabeth Joy Urtel’s “Anna B. Hoppe: Her Life and Hymnody.”
The Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly is sent to all members of the Institute. It is also available as a subscription without membership for $40.00 per year. Single copies are $10.00 for issues published during the past three years and $4.00 for earlier issues. Shipping and handling are extra for back issues.