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Winter 2023 CHI Quarterly

Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly Vol. 96 no.4

Just in time for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays! The Winter 2023 issue of Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Volume 96, Number 4) looks at numerous personal perspectives on our Lutheran history. Additionally, it provides our annual Awards of Commendation for 2022 publications, as well as our bibliography of works on Lutheran history from 2023.


After Dr. Wohlrabe’s column, “About This Issue”, we provide the invocation offered at the Annual Awards Banquet and Annual Meeting by the Rev. Rodney Benkendorf.

Next, we present the CHI Awards Banquet speech, given by the Rev. Dr. Ken Schurb. “It’s Been Fifty Years: An Address at the Fiftieth Annual Awards Banquet”, is his title. It is a personal reflection on the some of the events of the 1973 LCMS Convention at New Orleans, Louisiana, and their effects on the past fifty years of Lutheran history.


After Dr. Schurb’s excellent presentation, we provide somewhat of a potpourri centering on a theme of personal perspectives.

First of these articles is a new translation of Reinhold Pieper’s “Zion’s Call Resounding in All Lands ‘Behold Your God’ – Isaiah 40: 9-11”, by Ken Schurb. The original sermon, in German, is found in Predigten über Alttestamentliche Texte (CPH, 1915) under the title, “Schuljubiläumspredigt.”

Dr. Milton Rudnick, provides us with the second article, entitled, “Parish Ministry: Learning and Living a Fascinating Vocation.” It is a reflection of Rudnick’s nine years as a parish pastor, after which he embarked on a teaching profession in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

The third article, entitled, “Early Memories of My Father’s Ministry”, by William Schoedel, is about his father, G. Walter Schoedel, and his ministry in Canada.

The fourth article, entitled, “You and Your Synod: Present Issues between the Synod and other Lutherans”, by the sainted Dr. J.A.O. Preus II, is a transcription by the Rev. M.L.F. Freiberg Sr. The presentation was given at Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, Illinois in April 1975.


The final section of articles provides two of CHI’s own. First, provided are the awards of commendation at the Annual Awards Banquet. Next, the Rev. Todd Zittlow, CHI’s archivist, provides “Lutheran History in North America: A Bibliography of Works Published in 2023.”

The two items appear on the CHI website, the former in a table and the latter in a PDF document.


The first review, by Timothy Maschke, is for “Prelude and Fugue on the Life of Harriet Reynolds Krauth Spaeth (1845-1925)” by Robert D. Hawkins.

The second review, by C. George Fry, is for “American Crusade: Christianity, Warfare, and National Identity, 1860-1920” by Benjamin J. Wetzel.

The third and final review, by John C. Wohlrabe, Jr., is for “Aphorisms on Church and Office Old and New” by Wilhelm Loehe.

The Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly is sent to all members of the Institute. Single copies for issues published during the past three years are $10.00, with issues older than three years at $4.00. Shipping and handling are extra for back issues.

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