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Summer 2023 CHI Quarterly

Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly Volume 96 Number 2

When you hear the words “New Orleans” what comes to mind? Jazz, Bourbon Street, Superdome, Beignets, hot and humid weather, Katrina, The Saints, The Rivergate Convention Center? The last one probably wasn’t on the tip of your tongue! The Summer 2023 issue of Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Volume 96, Number 2) is devoted to what occurred there in the summer of 1973 at the LCMS convention.


CHI’s book review editor, Ken Schurb, wrote the initial article, entitled, ‘”We Are Taking a Stand” — The 1973 Missouri Synod Convention’. He served as a page at the convention, so he provides his recollections of that event, as well as providing documented research on the convention proceedings. Raymond Hartwig, who served as the Secretary of the LCMS from 1998 to 2016, wrote the next article, entitled, “Doctrinal Resolutions and Statements”, in which he looks at the importance and validity of synodically adopted doctrinal statements. Micheal Strong served as a pastoral delegate at the ’73 convention, having just graduated from the seminary in 1972. His article, entitled, ‘”Remembering “The Battle of New Orleans”‘ provides his personal recollections of the event. Thomas Baker provides our last article, entitled, “Watershed at the Rivergate”. This is the title of a book that he authored and distributed to all convention delegates.


The first review, by Robert E. Smith, is for “Love Him for Us” by the recently sainted Barbara Marquart Johnston.

The second review, by Kirk M. Clayton, is for “A Harvest of Lutheran Dogmatics and Ethics: The Life and Work of Twelve Theologians 1960-2020″ by Carl E. Braaten.

The third and final review, by David R. Boisclair, is for “George A. Lindbeck: A Biographical and Theological Introduction” by Shaun C. Brown.

The Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly is sent to all members of the Institute. It is also available as a subscription without membership for $40.00 per year. Single copies for issues published during the past three years are $10.00, with issues older than three years at $4.00. Shipping and handling are extra for back issues.

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