How has the Lutheran Church in America reacted to issues which eventually became part of the Constitution of the United States? The Fall 2023 issue of Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Volume 96, Number 3) provides some insight to that question by addressing the issue of women’s suffrage as it was dealt with by the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America.
The only article for this issue (because of its length) is “Avoiding the Hornet’s Nest – Woman Suffrage and Synodical Conference Lutherans” by Benjamin P. Schaefer. He originally wrote it as his Master of Sacred Theology thesis at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. His thesis also won the A.R. Wentz Prize in American Lutheran History in the Ph.D./M.A. category by the Lutheran Historical Society of the Mid-Atlantic.
The first review, by Gerhard Bode, is for “Wielding the Sword of the Spirit”, a three-volume work by Peter M. Prange. Volume 1 is titled: “The Doctrine and Practice of Church Fellowship in the Missouri Synod (1838-1867)”. The second volume is titled: “The Doctrine and Practice of Church Fellowship in the Synodical Conference (1868-1877)”. Volume 3 is titled: “The Doctrine and Practice of Church Fellowship in the Synodical Conference (1877-1882)”.
The second review, by Ken Schurb, is for “Ministers of a New Medium: Broadcasting Theology in the Radio Ministries of Fulton J. Sheen and Walter A. Maier” by Kirk D. Farney.
The third and final review, by Adam J. Bulava, is for “Power, Passion, and Faith: Emmy Carlsson Evald — Suffragist and Social Activist” by Sharon M. Wyman.
The Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly is sent to all members of the Institute. Single copies for issues published during the past three years are $10.00, with issues older than three years at $4.00. Shipping and handling are extra for back issues.