The Summer 2016 issue of the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Vol. 89, no.2), is hot off the press!
Rev. Timothy D. Grundmeier starts off the issue with his article, “The Elements of Africa’s Redemption: The beginning of the American Lutheran mission to Liberia”, which deals with Eastern (United States) Lutheran missionary work in Liberia; the Rev. Dr. C. Douglas Kroll provides us with a biographical account of “Navy Chaplain Raymond Charles Hohenstein: Serving Those Who Serve in the Name of Christ”; and Shawn T. Barnett and Sieghart Rein provide us with “A Letter from Loeber to Nitschke: Stephan’s Confession Outside the Confessional”.
The issue includes five book reviews: Martin Dicke’s review of two books; Otto Hintze’s From Ghosts to God in Enga Land: Planting His Church Among the Enga People of Central Papua New Guinea and CHI’s Museum Exhibit Catalog, Bringing Christ to the Highlands: Painting a Portrait of Early Lutheran Mission Work in Papua New Guinea. The Rev. Dr. Martin R. Noland reviews Mark Granquist’s Lutherans in America: A New History. The Rev. Dr. Paul Grime reviews Philip H. Pfatteicher’s Luther Reed: The Legacy of a Gentleman and a Churchman and in conclusion the Rev. Dr. Jack D. Ferguson reviews Royal W. Natzke’s Pioneer Church Records Speak: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Kirchhayn (Jackson), Wisconsin (1847-1974)
The Quarterly is sent to all members of the Institute. It is available as a subscription only without membership for $40.00 per year. Single copies are $10.00 for issues published during the past three years and $4.00 for earlier issues. Shipping and handling are extra for back issues.