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CHI 2017 Awards Banquet



During its 43rd annual banquet on Nov. 9 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis the Awards Committee of Concordia Historical Institute (CHI) presented 13 “Awards of Commendation” for works published in 2016. Categories of published works considered for the CHI awards included congregational history, family history, regional history, book chapter/journal article, major publication, and non-print media.

This year’s awards banquet theme made reference to both the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and the 90th anniversary of Concordia Historical Institute with the title: “History—Archives—Narrative: 1517—1927—2017.”  The Rev. Dr. Albert B. Collver III served as the banquet speaker, presenting his essay entitled “A Global Perspective on History and Archives.”  The text of the presentation will be published in an upcoming issue of Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly.CHI Executive Director Rev. Dr. Daniel N. Harmelink commented, “Dr. Collver reminded us of the importance of taking to heart Solomon’s dictum that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). The historical archives of the Church and the faithful reporting of history help check the current notion that ‘we live in unprecedented times’ without any historical patterns to draw from.  Concordia Historical Institute commends this year’s awardees and their exemplary work to keep the history of God’s redeeming work before us.”

Commended by CHI for their contributions to the history of the Lutheran Church in North America were:

Congregational History

Phillip P. Clark. A Communion of Saints: a History of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 1740-2015.  Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. 2016.

Family History

Irene Beethe, ed. Charles W. Ore: An American Original. Lutheran University Press, 2016.

Regional History

Kate Allen and John E. Ingulsrud. The Norwegian-American Lutheran Experience in 1950s Japan: Stepping up to the Cold War Challenge. Lexington Books, 2016.

Book Chapter / Journal Article

Kathryn M. Galchutt. “Lutherans and the Civil Rights Struggle in Selma.” Lutheran Historical Conference Journal 2014 (2016).

Sarah K. Nytroe. “Lutheran Historical Pageants: Dramatization and Identity Formation during the Reformation Quadricentennial.” Lutheran Historical Conference Journal 2014 (2016).

Joanna Reiling Lindell. “Early Printed Protestant Reformation Material in United States Collections: A Preliminary Guide for Researchers.” in Martin Luther and the Reformation. Katrin Herbst, ed. Dresden: Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Sandstein Verlag, 2016.

Thomas E. Rassieur. “Lutheran Paintings in America.” in Martin Luther and the Reformation. Katrin Herbst, ed. Dresden: Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Sandstein Verlag, 2016.

Lutheran Mission Matters. Victor Raj, ed., 24:1 (January 2016).

Scott Erickson. “North Park at 125: David Nyvall’s Enduring Impact on Christian Higher Education.” The Swedish-American Historical Quarterly 67:4 (2016).

Susanne Kreutzer. “Deaconess Nurses in Germany, Sweden, and the United States: Transformations of a Female Model of Life and Work in the Twentieth Century.” in Deaconesses in Nursing Care. Susanne Kreutzer and Karen Nolte, ed.s. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2016.

Major Publication

Thomas Albert Howard. Remembering the Reformation: An Inquiry into the Meanings of Protestantism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.

James Van Horn Melton. Religion, Community, and Slavery on the Colonial Southern Frontier. Cambridge University Press, 2015.

Non-Print Media

Martin Noland. Memories of Trinity Lutheran Church [Evansville, IN] on its 175th Anniversary.September 24, 2016.


The CHI Awards Committee also noted 10 “Honorable Mentions.”  (A complete listing of 43 years of publications receiving CHI awards is available at: concordiahistoricalinstitute.org.)

This year’s awards program was made possible by the generous support of the LCMS Foundation.

CHI encourages submissions published in 2017 for consideration by its Awards Committee. Please email your suggestions to tzittlow@lutheranhistory.org. The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2018.


Concordia Historical Institute is the Department of Archives and History of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and the largest archive of Lutheran history in North America. The institute offers Lutheran history research services, publishes the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly, operates two museums (at Concordia Seminary and the LCMS International Center) and oversees two historic sites in Perry County, Mo. (Saxon Lutheran Memorial in Frohna, Mo., and Hill of Peace Lutheran Church memorial in Friedenberg, Mo.).  Extensive online resources are available at: concordiahistoricalinstitute.org


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