The Spring 2015 issue (v.60, issue 1) of Concordia Historical Institute’s membership newsletter, Historical Footnotes, was recently released. This issue continues the new, revised format of the newsletter, which was initiated in Winter 2014.
Articles in this issue include, “Works of Lutheran Artist Added to Concordia Historical Institute’s Fine Art Collection” by Todd Zittlow; “First-hand Account of the Lord’s Gracious Hand Over the Lutheran Church in Brazil” by George Miller; “LCMS History and the Attitudes Concerning the German and English Languages” by Derek Waffel; “An Exciting Way to Move Lutheran History Forward” by Brigitte Conkling; “The Wife of a Pastoral Missionary” – Book Review by Todd Zittlow; “Giving Thanks for Marvin Huggins, Servant of the Lord and His Church”; “CHI Participates in Local Lutheran School Social Studies Fair” by Rebecca Wells; “Kristen Muehler Joins the CHI Team”
Historical Footnotes is sent to all members of the Institute. The current issue is available to non-members for $2.00, with back issues available to members and non-members for that same price. Shipping and handling are extra for back issues.