The Fall 2016 issue of the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Vol. 89, no.3) arrives fast on the heels of CHIQ v.89, no.2!
This issue’s cover title, “The Renewal of the Common Service and its Hymns”, informs the reader that this issue is focused on Lutheran liturgy and hymnody.
The Rev. Dr. Paul J. Grime provides that first glimpse with his article, “The Common Service in Lutheran Service Book: The Enduring Influence of The Lutheran Hymnal”. He is followed by the Rev. Dr. Jon D. Vieker’s historical look back, “After Ten Years: Reflections on Lutheran Service Book”. The final article by the CHIQ editor, the Rev. Dr. John C. Wohlrabe, Jr., provides a look at Lutheran liturgy, “Distractions and Repercussions of the Liturgical Movement in Mid-20th Century Missouri Synod.”
This issue, as did the last, includes five book reviews: James L. Brauer’s review of Ingerose Paust’s Exodus of the Eight Hundred: An Adventure of a Congregation, Martin R. Noland’s review of Hermann Sasse’s Letters to Lutheran Pastors, Richard C. Eyer reviews Gentle Rebel: The Life and Work of Granger Westberg, Pioneer in Whole Person Care by Jane Westberg with Jill Westberg McNamara, Benjamin Ball reviews Dona Gratis Donata: Essays in Honor of Norman Nagel on the Occasion of His Ninetieth Birthday and Jon D. Vieker concludes the issue with his review of Carl Schalk’s Singing the Church’s Song: Essays and Occasional Writings on Church Music.
The Quarterly is sent to all members of the Institute. It is available as a subscription only without membership for $40.00 per year. Single copies are $10.00 for issues published during the past three years and $4.00 for earlier issues. Shipping and handling are extra for back issues.