Last Chance to See Dürer Woodcuts
The Institute will close its exhibit “Albrecht Dürer: Master Woodcut Artist of the German Renaissance,” on Tuesday, July 1. The exhibit features 41 prints from Albrecht Dürer’s Small Passionand Life of the Virgin series. An early 16th-century artist, Dürer used intricately carved blocks of wood to create these beautiful images. The last day to view
Spring Historical Footnotes Introduces Director Harmelink
Dr. Daniel Harmelink was installed as executive director of Concordia Historical Institute on 14 February 2014 in the chapel at the LCMS International Center by President Matthew Harrison. Pictures from the event and information about Dr. Harmelink are found in the Spring 2014 issue of the CHI membership newsletter, Historical Footnotes, available online in
Spring CHI Quarterly Focuses on China Mission
This is Photoshop’s version of Lorem Ipsum. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet. Aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor, nisi elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis sem nibh id elit. Duis sed odio sit amet nibh vulputate cursus a sit amet mauris. Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a
Pieces of Our Past
“Pieces of Our Pastˮ is a biweekly email message distributed through the LCMS eNews system. Each message features an interesting or unusual document, artifact or publication from the Instituteʼs collection with background information on its meaning and significance. Items featured in this series will be available on the Pieces of Our
“The Saxon New Worldˮ
A documentary film by H. Paul Moon about the 19th-century Saxons who settled in rural Missouri, sowing the seeds for one of todayʼs largest church bodies of Lutheranism. The video can be streamed free at, and DVD copies of the film may be ordered from the same site.
Volunteers Welcome!
Volunteers Welcome! Are you (or someone you know) looking for a volunteer opportunity where you will feel needed? CHI is seeking one or more volunteers who can commit to assist with filing on a regular basis. The person(s) must be able to alphabetize materials, move five-inch-wide file boxes from shelves
“To God Alone the Glory: The Life of C. F. W. Walther,ˮ
Featured in the CHI Museum at Concordia Seminary The exhibit uses documents, artifacts and publications from the Instituteʼs collections to tell the story of Waltherʼs life and work from his childhood and education in Saxony, his role in the Saxon Immigration to Missouri, and his multi-faceted career as pastor, seminary
“Albrecht Dürer: Master Woodcut Artist of the German Renaissance”
The exhibit on Albrecht Dürer woodcuts includes forty-one of the fifty-seven woodcuts in the Small Passion and the Life of the Virgin series, both of which were put into book form in 1511. This is only the second time that the Institute has displayed its collection of Dürer prints. It