CHI Monograph Series

Publishing Resources to Educate the Church

In 2021, Concordia Historical Institute launched its Monograph Series, aimed at increasing historical literacy and access within the LCMS. Covering a wide range of topics in North American Lutheranism, it promises to be a lasting resource to historians, pastors, and laypeople.

Three monographs have been published, with several others in the planning, writing, and editing stages.

Firstly, we published Seminex in Print in 2021, the first bibliography (list of primary and secondary sources) pertaining to the 1974 Concordia Seminary Walkout and the creation of “Seminex,” the “Seminary in Exile” founded by professors and students who left campus. In 2022, we released The Emigration, a translation of works by J. F. Koestering that deal with the early history of the Missouri Synod. From the controversies with Martin Stephan to early theological debates on the office of the ministry, the nature of the church, and the events of the Second Coming of Christ, this volume provides great insight into the challenging but fruitful beginnings of our churchbody.

Lastly, in 2023, CHI came out with Rediscovering the Issues Surrounding the 1974 Concordia Seminary Walkout, an in-depth analysis of the doctrines that led to the Walkout. Intended as a book study for churches and coinciding with a multi-part series on the online radio program Issues, Etc., we hope that this volume will spark necessary and fruitful conversation about the beliefs at the heart of this deeply contentious chapter in our Synod’s history.

Soon, CHI plans to publish a history of the Walkout and of foreign missions in the LCMS. We hope to greatly expand our list of titles for the benefit of the church.

Our Hands, Your Help

Concordia Historical Institute needs YOU—to read our Monograph Series! Each of these volumes is available for purchase on the CPH website (see the embedded links above). Read, gift, and share about these valuable works of historical education.

Want to do even more? We need additional financial backing for future issues of the Monograph Series. You can read about our future work on Lutheran missions here, for which we’re projecting a need of $14,000 per book. Your support through a monetary gift helps us continue providing vital resources like our Monograph Series to educate current and future church workers in the legacy of our church.

Become a Partner in the CHI Monograph Series

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