Saint Andrew, Apostle

374  Ambrose (340–397) was baptized.

1170 Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket (11181170) returned from a six-year exile in France for his opposition to the policies of Henry II. Four weeks after his return, four of Henry’s knights murdered Thomas in the Canterbury Cathedral.

1525 In order to provide competent priests (pastors) in the parishes of his principality, Martin Luther asked that the new elector of Saxony, John, inaugurate a visitation.

1528 Luther began the last of his three series of catechism sermons. These sermons were the basis for the Large and Small Catechisms, which Luther would write the following year.

1554 Under the reign of Mary Tudor (15161558, daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon), England was temporarily reconciled with the Roman Catholic Church.

1580 Richard Farrant, English composer, musician, organist, choirmaster and producer of plays, died (b. ca. 1530).

1671 Andrew Sandel, an early Swedish American Lutheran pastor, was born in Hallnas parish, Roslagen, Sweden (d. 11 May 1744).

1673 Caspar Neumann (1648–1715), hymnist, was ordained as a traveling chaplain.

1725 Martin Boehm, a Mennonite bishop who was excluded from the Mennonite communion because of his liberal views and association with persons of other sects and in 1800 joined with Philip W. Otterbein and others to form the United Brethren in Christ Church, was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (d. 23 March 1812).

1729 Samuel Seabury, first bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, was born in Groton, Connecticut (d. 25 February 1796).

1830 David Jacobs, first teacher at the Classical School in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, died (b. 1805).

1847 Otto Heinrich Theodor Willkomm, president of the Saxon Free Church, was born in Ebersbach, Lausitz (d. 5 August 1933).

1851 Johann Wilhelm Meinhold, hymnist, died at Charlottenburg, a suburb of Berlin (b. 27 February 1797 at Netzelkow, Usedom Island, off the coast of Pomerania).

1857 Carl Frederick Emil Huth, professor at Concordia College (Milwaukee), was born in Nieden, Germany (d. 23 April 1926).

1880 Jeannette Threlfall, hymnist, died (b. 24 March 1821, Blackburn, Lancashire, England).

1883 The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew, an organization of laymen in the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S., the Church of England and their branches, was organized in Chicago.

1892 F. J. A. (Fenton John Anthony) Hort (b. 23 April 1828), British New Testament textual scholar, died.

1894 In Naperville, Illinois, seven groups (representing 60,00070,000 members) of the Evangelical Association withdrew from that organization to form the United Evangelical Church. The two denominations reunited in 1922, although a minority from several congregations continued a separate existence under the name United Evangelical Church.

1979 Pope John Paul II (19202005) attended an Eastern Orthodox service, the first pope in a thousand years to do so.

1984 The first volume of the first published Sumerian dictionary was issued by the University of Pennsylvania.

1989 Dennis Hilgendorf, former missionary to the Middle East, died. Born in 1936, he spent most of his life working in the Middle East, first as a missionary (19621963) then as head of the Middle East Lutheran Ministry, a position he held until 1980. In 1977 he became director of the Contact and Resource Center in Beirut.

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