Clement of Rome
, Pastor

1585 Thomas Tallis, composer, died in Greenwich, England (b. ca. 1505).

1621 Poet and cleric John Donne (15721631) was elected dean of Saint Pauls Cathedral in London.

1654 French scientist and mathematician Blaise Pascal (16231662) experienced a mystical vision and converted to Christianity.

1685 Caspar Friedrich Nachtenhöfer, hymnist, died at Coburg (b. 1624 at Halle).

1809 Henry Lyman was born, in Northampton, Massachusetts (d. 28 June 1834, Sumatra).

1846 James Evans, Apostle of the North,died (b. 18 January 1801, England). He served as a missionary among the Canadian Indians. He invented Cree syllabic characters and translated portions of the Bible and hymnbook into the Cree language.

1857 Edward Pfeiffer, professor at Capital University (Columbus, Ohio) and editor, was born in Columbus, Ohio (d. 19 December 1926).

1872 Sir John Bowring, hymnist, English diplomat, author and linguist, died at Devon, England (b. 17 October 1792).

1873 John Thomas Link, professor at Concordia Teachers College (Seward, Nebraska), was born in Chicago, Illinois (d. 20 December 1936).

1876 Theodore Conrad Graebner, professor at Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) from 1913 to 1950, was born at Watertown, Wisconsin (d. 14 November 1950).

1879 Charles Frederick Schaeffer, Ohio Synod professor, died (b. 3 September 1807).

1879 Theodore Charles Brohm was born in Addison, Illinois (d. 5 January 1957, Oakland, California). He graduated from Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) in 1903 and served as a pastor in Detroit, Michigan, from 1903 to 1909. He was president of Concordia College (Oakland, California) from 1909 to 1950.

1891 Georg Albert Schieferdecker, president of the Western District of the Missouri Synod, died (b. 12 March 1815 in Leipzig, Germany).

1894 William Cooke, hymnist, died (b. 1821, Pendlebury, Manchester, England).

1895 Sylvanus Dryden Phelps, hymnist and American Baptist minister, died (b. 15 May 1816).

1899 Robert Lowry (b. 12 March 1826), American Baptist clergyman and sacred music composer, died.

1901 Peter R. Hunt was born in Camden, Alabama. He graduated from Immanuel Lutheran Seminary (Greensboro, North Carolina) in 1936 and served as a pastor in Bashi, Vineland, Pine Hill, Arlington, Nyland, Sardis, Oak Hill and Acherville, Alabama. He later was professor and president of Alabama Lutheran Academy and College (Selma, Alabama). He retired in 1973 and died 29 March 1985.

1906n William Wrede (b. 10 May 1859), German Lutheran New Testament scholar, died.

1947 E. L. Sukenik (18891953) of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem received the first information about the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls. These documents had been accidentally discovered during the preceding winter (19461947) by two Beduoin shepherds in the vicinity of Qumran. The scrolls are dated roughly between 200 B.C. and A.D. 70. They are considered by many to be the outstanding archaeological find of the twentieth century in the field of Old Testament studies.

1949 Lutheran Friends of the Deaf purchased Mill Neck Manor in New York to set up as a Lutheran School for the deaf, which opened in 1951.

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