270 (traditional date) Gregory Thaumaturgus (“The Wonder Worker”), a well-loved bishop in Pontus and the author of the first Christian biography (on Origen), died (b. ca. 213).
331 Julian the Apostate, Roman emperor from 361 to 363, was born (d. 26 June 363).
594 Saint Gregory of Tours (b. ca. 538), bishop and historian, died.
1231 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, wife of Landgrave Louis IV of Thuringia who devoted herself to religion and charitable works, died (b. 7 July 1207).
1558 On the death of Roman Catholic monarch Mary Tudor, the Church of England was re-established.
1624 Jakob Böhme, Silesian mystic and theosophist, died (b. 1575).
1753 Gotthilf Heinrich Ernst Muhlenberg, first president of Franklin College (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) and also a botanist, was born in Trappe, Pennsylvania (d. 23 May 1815).
1808 David Zeisberger, Moravian missionary to American Indians, died (b. 11 April 1721).
1849 Otto Daniel August Hoyer, professor and director [president] of Dr. Martin Luther College (New Ulm, Minnesota), director of Michigan Lutheran Seminary (Saginaw) and professor and inspector at Northwestern College (Watertown, Wisconsin), was born in Hamburg, Germany (d. 8 November 1905).
1874 B. H. (Burnet Hillman) Streeter, English New Testament scholar, was born in Croydon, England (d. 10 September 1937).
1875 The Theosophical Society of America was founded in New York City by Russian spiritualist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
Theosophy regards reality as one basic, eternal principle beyond human understanding yet attainable with help from secret divine wisdom transmitted by “masters” or “mahatmas.”
1885 Gustavus Seyffarth, head of studies on Egyptian literature at Leipzig and professor at Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) from 1856 to 1859, died (b. 13 July 1796, Übigau, Saxony).
1893 The Augsburg Home for the Aged, Baltimore, Maryland, was dedicated.
1945 John A. L. Riley, hymnist, died (b. 10 August 1858, Bayswater, London, England).
1961 Charles H. Mason, founder of the Church of God in Christ, died.