Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles

312 The outnumbered forces of Roman emperor Constantine (ca. 280–337) defeated the army of Maxentius, a contender for the throne, at Milvian Bridge.

1585 Cornelius Jansen, Dutch Roman Catholic theologian, was born in Utrecht province, Holland (d. 6 May 1638).

1635 Bartholomaeus Helder (b. ca. 1585), hymnist, died near Gotha.

1636 The General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony founded Harvard College by passing an act that appropriated 400 English pounds to establish the school.

1646 John Eliot (1604–1690) began his work as a missionary to the American Indians.

1704 John Locke (b. 29 August 1632), English philosopher, died.

1720 Joseph Humphreys, hymnist, was born in Burford, England.

1768 Johann Daniel Falk, hymnist, was born in Danzig (d. 14 February 1826).

1817 Henry Harbaugh, hymnist, was born in Washington Township, Franklin County, Pennsylvania (d. 18 December 1867).

1820 John H. Hopkins Jr., author and composer of the Christmas hymn “We Three Kings of Orient Are,” was born in Pittsburgh (d. 14 August 1891).

1849 The Hermannsburg Mission was organized.

1856 John William Boehne, manufacturer, member of the Board of Directors of the Missouri Synod and organizer of the Lutheran Laymen’s League, was born in Vanderburgh County, Indiana (d. 27 December 1946).

1869 Horace Tracy Pitkin was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (d. 1900). He graduated from the Presbyterian Union Theological Seminary in New York and became an American Board missionary to Paotingfu, China in 1897.

1881 Paul Edward Wiegner was born in Saint Ansgar, Iowa (d. 9 December 1975, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada). He was a graduate of Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) in 1909 and served as a pastor in McNutt, Langenburg, Springside and Marchwell, Saskatchewan, and Winnipeg, Manitoba. He was president of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan District of the Missouri Synod from 1922 to 1927 and thereafter served the district as a circuit counselor, financial secretary and member of the board of directors. He was also a member of the electoral board of Concordia College (Edmonton, Alberta). He edited Der Lutherische Missionar (1930–1933) and the Canadisch Lutherisches Kirchenblatt (1952–1959).

1893 Theophil A. Weinhold was born in Frohna, Missouri (d. 28 February 1987). He graduated from Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) in 1922 and served as pastor in Pevely, California, Kansas City and Neosho, Missouri. He was also a circuit counselor (1939–1945), vice-president (1945–1951) and president (1951–1957) of the Western District. He was chair of the Board of Control of Saint Paul’s College (Concordia, Missouri) from 1951 to 1963. He retired in 1964.

1949 Missouri Synod mission work began in Davao City, Philippines.

1951 The Japan Lutheran Hour program was initiated by the Chubunihon Broadcasting Company. At the time of its thirtieth anniversary in 1981, 82 percent of Japan was covered by the broadcasts, and the program was carried on 26 percent of the 111 broadcasting stations.

1991 Rudolf Kostial, for twenty-two years Western District bishop of the Lutheran Church in Czechoslovakia, died at the age of 78. A writer, editor and translator of American and English literary classics and theological studies, Kostial also played a leading role in restoring the once-banned Slovak Bible Society in June 1990.

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