1087 William I, the Conqueror of England in 1066 and founder of several monasteries, died (b. ca. 1028).

1303 Boniface VIII (ca. 1235–1303; pope 1294–1303), who was kidnapped while trying to bring Philip the Fair (Philip IV of France) to court, was rescued.

1519 Philipp Melanchthon (14971560) was made a bachelor of the Bible and lecturer on theology at Wittenberg University after a disputation titled On the Supremacy of the Scriptures.

1561 The Religious Colloquy of Poissy convened near Paris. Comprising an assembly of French Roman Catholic prelates and reformed Protestant theologians and clergy led by Theodore Beza (15191605), the council prepared the way for a 1562 edict that gave official royal acceptance and a measure of freedom to the French Protestants.

1598 A celebration was held for the newly completed church at San Juan de los Caballeros, the first church in New Mexico. The town was a former Indian pueblo in the Chama River Valley.

1747 Thomas Coke, the first English Methodist bishop, was born in Brecon, Wales (d. 2 May 1814).

1803 Henry J. Buckoll, hymn  translator, was born (d. 6 June 1871, Rugby, England).

1807 Richard Chenevix Trench, Irish clergyman and scholar, was born in Dublin, Ireland (d. 28 March 1886).

1832 Bernhard Klein, composer, died in Berlin (b. 6 March 1793, Cologne). [German Wikipedia article]

1863 Frederick Brand, vice-president of the LCMS (19171929), was born in Eden, New York (d. 1 January 1949).

1883 New buildings for Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) on South Jefferson Avenue were dedicated.

1897 Max Heinrich Zschiegner, missionary to China and president of the Chinese seminary in Hankow, was born in New York State (d. 23 January 1940).

1898 William Chatterton Dix, English insurance agent and hymnist, died at Clifton, England (b. 14 June 1837).

1911 Reinhold Adelberg, Wisconsin Synod leader and professor, died (b. 9 November 1835).

1943 Theodore H. C. Buenger, president of Concordia College (Saint Paul, Minnesota), died (b. 29 April 1860, Chicago).

1951 Theophilus W. Strieter (18891965) was commissioned as missionary at large to Latin America to open a Lutheran mission field in Venezuela. He was a 1911 graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary (Springfield, Illinois) and served for ten years as a missionary in Brazil. Returning to the U.S. in 1922, he served as pastor of Zion Lutheran Church, Hinsdale, Illinois. From 1931 to 1933 he was director of public relations at Valparaiso (Indiana) University, and from 1933 to 1945 he was pastor of Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Evansville, Indiana. Then he was called as executive director of the Lutheran Commission on Prisoners of War. He retired to the Saint Louis area in 1957 after his service in Venezuela and was vacancy pastor at Saint Philip Lutheran Church, Saint Louis, and Jerusalem Lutheran Church, Collinsville, Illinois.

1952 The This Is the Life television program was inaugurated. It premiered on Dumont (later ABC) television. This long-running program aired on Friday nights from 8:00 to 8:30 p.m. and was produced under the auspices of the Missouri Synod.

1991 Alfred von Rohr Sauer died at Saint Louis, Missouri (b. 6 December 1908, Winona, Minnesota). He graduated from Northwestern College (Watertown, Wisconsin) in 1929 and from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod seminary in Thiensville, Wisconsin, in 1932 before receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Bonn in 1939. He taught Old Testament theology from 1948 until 1973 at Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) and from 1974 until 1983 at Christ Seminary-Seminex.

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