565 Celtic missionary and abbot Columba (521597) reportedly confronted the Loch Ness Monster and became the first recorded observer of the creature.

1524 Martin Luther’s disputation with Andreas Karlstadt (14861541) took place in Jena.

1572 Gaspard II de Coligny (ca. 15191572), a French Huguenot leader, was wounded in an assassination attempt. He died two days later.

1670 English missionary John Eliot (16041690) founded a church for Native Americans at Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.

1752 William Whitson (b. 1667), English theologian, historian and translator, died. In 1703 he succeeded Isaac Newton as professor of mathematics, but his theology was questionable, so after seven years he was expelled from Cambridge on the charge of Arianism. Impoverished because the Anglicans shunned him, Whitson joined the Baptists in 1747. He is best known as the English translator of the works of Josephus, which are still in print. Whitson completed the mammoth project in 1737.

1791 Levi Spaulding, missionary to Ceylon, was born in Jaffrey, New Hampshire (d. 18 June 1873 [1874?]).

1791 Johann David Michaelis, regarded as a founder of Syriac philology, died (b. 27 February 1717, Halle).

1800 Edward Bouverie Pusey, Tractarian leader, was born in Pusey, England (d. 16 September 1882).

1831 William Hayman Cummings, English musicologist, was born in Devonshire, England (d. 10 June 1915, London, England).

1862 Claude Debussy, French composer, was born (d. 25 March 1918).

1864 The Red Cross movement led by Henry Dunant officially began when twelve European nations signed the First Geneva Convention, establishing the International Committee of the Red Cross.

1883 Theodore Hoyer, professor at Saint John’s College (Winfield, Kansas) and Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis), was born in Spring Valley, Kansas (d. 24 October 1963).

1885 William Paton Mackay (b. 13 May 1839), Scottish Presbyterian clergyman, died.

1928 A Lutheran Normal School was begun in Sao Joas Grande, E.S., Brazil.

1948 The first assembly of the World Council of Churches met at Amsterdam (through September 4).

1952 Lewis Sperry Chafer (b. 27 February 1871), American Presbyterian theologian and educator, died.

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