64 A fire in Rome results in the first Christian persecution under Nero.

1100 Godfrey of Bouillon (b. ca. 1060), French Crusader, died.

1323 Pope John XXII (12491334) canonized Italian philosopher and Dominican theologian Thomas Aquinas (ca. 12251274).

1504 Heinrich Bullinger, Swiss reformer, was born in the Swiss canton of Argau (d. 17 September 1575, Zurich).

1520 Johann Eck and Alexander were chosen to take the bull Exsurge Domine to Germany.

1681 Georg Neumark, hymnist, died (b. 16 March 1621).

1697 António Vieira (b. 6 February 1608), Portuguese Jesuit missionary, died.

1804 Henry Lewis Baugher Sr., Lutheran educator and author, was born in Adams County, Pennsylvania (d. 14 April 1868).

1804 Dan Beach Bradley, pioneer medical missionary to Thailand, was born in Marcellus, New York (d. 1873).

1811 William Makepeace Thackeray, English writer, was born (d. 24 December 1863).

1865 Laurence Housman, hymnist, was born (d. 20 February 1959).

1870 The Roman dogma on papal infallibility was defined by the First Vatican Council.

1877 The Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America met and organized its mission effort to African Americans.

1889 Elvina M. Hall (b. 4 June 1822), American Methodist hymn writer, died.

1891 Friedrich Fabri, inspector of the Rhenish Mission Society and professor at Bonn, died at Würzburg, Germany (b. 12 June 1824, Schweinfurt). [German Wikipedia article]

1949 Theodore S. Keyl (b. 5 August 1875, Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York) died at Newark, New Jersey. He attended Concordia College (Fort Wayne, Indiana), Concordia College (Milwaukee) and Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis), graduating in 1897. He held parishes in New Fane, New York; Erie, Pennsylvania; North Plymouth, Massachusetts; and Newark, New Jersey. From 1912 to 1915 he administered the Martin Luther Orphanage in West Roxbury, Massachusetts. He was the organizer and first president of the New Jersey District of the Walther League and served for ten years as circuit visitor in the Atlantic District. He retired in 1944.

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