1336 Pope Benedict XII (ca. 12801342) issued the encyclical Summi Magistri in an effort to correct abuses that had crept into the Catholic church. It reconstituted the ancient religious order of the Benedictines and remained in effect until the Council of Trent (15451563).

1530 The Diet of Augsburg was officially opened by emperor Charles V (15001558), who called the meeting to deal with the growing religious schism between the followers of Martin Luther and the Roman Church.

1599 The Synod of Diamper, held on coast of southwest India, reunited the Indian church with Rome.

1694 Hans Adolph Brorson, hymnist, was born near Ribe and Toender, Denmark (d. 3 June 1764).

1743 Anna Laetitia Barbauld, hymnist, was born in Kibworth, Leicestershire, England (d. 9 March 1825, Newington Green, England).

1749 Charles Coffin, French Roman Catholic hymnist, died (b. 4 October 1676).

1779 Dorothy Ann Thrupp, English hymn writer, was born in London (d. 14 December 1847, Saint Marylebone, Middlesex, England).

1809 Isaak August Dorner, Lutheran theologian, was born in Wuerttemberg (d. 8 July 1884).

1813 Charles T. Brooks, hymn translator, was born in Salem, Massachusetts (d. 14 June 1883).

1877 Gerhard Heinrich J‰bker, a charter member of the Missouri Synod, died (b. 13 November 1821, Wimmern, Hannover, Germany).

1880 Samuel R. Brown, missionary to China and Japan and a Bible translator, died (b. 16 June 1810).

1883 Olive Dorothy Gruen, missionary to China, was born in Saint Louis (d. 11 May 1963).

1885 A band of Moravian missionaries landed on the shores of Alaska and founded the Bethel Mission.

1892 Wilhelm Julius Mann, a leading theologian and founder of the General Council, died (b. 29 May 1819).

1901 Socrates Henkel, publisher of Lutheran books, died (b. 22 March 1823 near Conover, North Carolina, the son of David Henkel).

1904 Joseph Augustus Seiss, hymn translator and founder of the General Council, died (b. 18 March 1823 in or near Graceham, Frederick County, Maryland, of Moravian parents).

1917 The General Synod approved the plan to merge with the General Council and the United Synod in the South to form the United Lutheran Church in America. The union took place in 1918.

1946 Archbishop Josef Beran’s (18881969) resistance letter on church/state relations was read in the pulpits of Czechoslovakia.

1949 The Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office (Rome) declared Czechoslovakia’s Catholic Action Movement schismatic and excommunicated all who participated in this Communist-controlled church.

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