The Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, A.D. 325

1458 The College of Saint Mary Magdalene was founded at Oxford University in England.

1661 Johann Hülsemann, author and professor at Wittenberg, theologian and anti-Calvinist, died (b. 1602, Esens, Ostfriesland).

1681 Sigismund von Birken (Betulius), tutor, poet and hymnist, died (b. 5 May 1626, Wildstein, Bohemia).

1721 Isaac Pinto, translator of the first Jewish prayer book published in America, was born (d. January 1791).

1744 David Brainerd (17181747), missionary to New England’s native Americans, was ordained by the Society of Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge (Presbyterian) in Newark, New Jersey.

1776 A Virginia convention adopted the Virginia Declaration of Rights that included protections for religion.

1786 Carl Magnus Wrangel, Swedish Lutheran pastor in America, died (b. 23 August 1727, Mölinta parish, Västmanland, Sweden).

1798 John Morisson, hymnist, died in Canisbay, Scotland (b. 18 September 1746, Whitehill, Cairnie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland).

1804 David Abeel, missionary to Batavia, was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey (d. 4 September 1846).

1819 Charles Kingsley, Anglican clergyman and novelist, was born in Devonshire, England (d. 23 January 1875).

1824 Friedrich Fabri, inspector of Rhenish Mission Society and professor at Bonn, was born at Schweinfurt, Germany (d. 18 July 1891) . [German Wikipedia article]

1840 A world anti-slavery conference erupted into shouting because American women attended.

1842 Thomas Arnold, a Christian and a prominent English educator, died at Rugby (b. 13 June 1795, West Cowes).

1857 Ernst Ottmar Cloeter (18251897), Indian missionary in Minnesota, arrived in Crow Wing, Minnesota.

1868 August F. Zich, son of Christian and Ernestine Zich, was born near Stargard, Pomerania, Germany. When still a young boy he emigrated to America with his parents. The family settled on a farm near Waterloo, Wisconsin. He was educated at Northwestern College (Watertown, Wisconsin), and at the theological seminary of the Wisconsin Synod at Milwaukee. During the years of his ministry he served Lutheran congregations at Sutton, Minnesota, and Green Bay, Wisconsin. In 1931 he was called to a professorship at the theological seminary at Thiensville, Wisconsin, which institution he served until 25 June 1939, when sudden death ended his labors. Professor Zich served as president of the Minnesota Synod and as president of the North Wisconsin District of the Joint Synod of Wisconsin. He was associate editor of the Northwestern Lutheran for eleven years. He was a member of the Intersynodical Committee on Hymnology and Liturgies, which prepared The Lutheran Hymnal. [The Handbook to the Lutheran Hymnal comp. W. G. Polack (Saint Louis: CPH, 1942): 602–03].

1878 William Cullen Bryant, American poet, hymnist and editor, died in New York City (b. 3 November 1794).

1882 Theodore W. Eckhardt was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (d. 1968). He was office manager of the Chicago-based Army and Navy Board of the Missouri Synod (19181919), became financial secretary of the LCMS in 1920 and worked for the Concordia Historical Institute in the same role from 1927 to 1942 and as treasurer from 1942 to 1956.

1889 Erhart Albert Henry Riedel, LCMS missionary to China, was born in Lincoln, Illinois (d. 26 December 1971).

1890 At the opening of the annual session of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, three synods of the church united to form the United Norwegian Lutheran Church of America.

1892 The Walther Mausoleum at Concordia Cemetery (Saint Louis) was dedicated.

1898 Sanford F. Bennett (b. 21 June 1836, Eden, New York), American hymn writer, died at Richmond, Illinois.

1905 Christian W. Hochstetter, president of the Canada District (LCMS) and author of an early history of the Missouri Synod, died (b. 1 April 1828, Lorch, Wuerttemberg).

1909 Charles Feinberg, fundamentalist American theologian, was born (d. 199?). He taught at the Dallas Theological Seminary, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (BIOLA) and Talbot Theological Seminary.

1914 The first edition of A. T. Robertson’s (18631934) monumental A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in the Light of Historical Research was published by Hodder & Stoughton. Five editions followed the original.

1919 John H. Sammis (b. 6 July 1846), American Presbyterian clergyman and hymnist, died.

1952 The first Missouri Synod baptisms in Macau (34) took place.

1957 The Concordia Senior College (Fort Wayne, Indiana) cornerstone was laid.

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