1037 Henry III (10171056) became Holy Roman Emperor following the death of his father, Conrad II (b. ca. 990).

1513 Niels Hemmingsen, Danish theologian, was born (d. 1600). [Danish Wikipedia article]

1699 Trinity Lutheran Church (“Old Swedes Church”), Wilmington, Delaware, Eric Tobias Björk, pastor, was dedicated. Björk, Jonas Aureen and Andrew Rudman came from Sweden to serve the Swedes living along the Delaware River. Björk was recalled to Sweden, leaving America on 29 June 1714.

1734 Johann Samuel Wilhelm Schwedtfeger, who helped organize the New York Ministerium, was born in Burgbernheim, Bavaria, Germany (d. 1803).

1743 The first German Bible was printed in America by Christopher Saur (16931758).

1758 Joseph Dacre Carlyle, hymnist, was born in Carlisle, England (d. 18 April 1804).

1801 Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg, Lutheran pastor and member of Congress, died (b. 1 January 1750).

1822 Elvina M. Hall, American Methodist hymn writer, was born in Alexandria, Virginia (d. 18 July 1889).

1833 Franz Michael Zahn, missiologist, was born in Moerss, Germany (d. 1900).

1847 Samuel K. Brobst (18221876), founder of Muhlenberg College, was licensed in Philadelphia to preach by the Ministerium of Pennsylvania.

1851 Eugen Adolf Wilhelm (Eugene Adolph William) Krauss, a professor at Concordia Teachers College (Addison/River Forest, Illinois) and Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis), was born in Nordheim, Bavaria (d. 9 October 1924).

1873 Charles F. Parham, founder of the Apostolic Faith movement and one of the founders of Pentecostalism, was born in Muscatine, Iowa (d. ca. 29 January 1929).

1878 Frank N. D. Buchman, American social theologian and founder of the Moral Re-Armament Movement, was born in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania (d. 7 August 1961).

1894 A preliminary meeting to organize a Slovak synod was held at Mahonoy City, Pennsylvania.

1900 Nelson Glueck, American Jewish archaeologist, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio (d. 1971).

1902 Mutual understanding was reached to organize the Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the U.S.A. at Braddock, Pennsylvania. This occurred at a pastoral conference with nine pastors present, four of whom were affiliated with the Missouri Synod. (See above under 1894.)

1939 The German ocean liner MS St. Louis, carrying 963 Jewish refugees seeking asylum from Nazi persecution, was denied permission to land in the United States, after already having been turned away from Cuba.

1946 The Soviet military Administration of East Germany (SMA) declared that it alone had the right to educate children (to ensure they were taught in an atheistic environment).

1948 The first radio station of the Far East Broadcasting Company went on the air.

1950 Frank Buchman made a Moral Re-armament speech at Gelsenkirchen in the Ruhr. He was awarded the scarlet ribbon and Cross of Chevaner of the Legion of Honor. Originally a Lutheran minister, he experienced a later conversion and began exploring ways of bringing international peace through his focus on Christ. The Moral re-armament organization was but one of his projects. (See above under 1878.)

1961 The 500th broadcast of the Japan Lutheran Hour took place.

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