1565 Nicolaus von Amsdorf, friend and co-worker of Martin Luther, died in Eisenach (b. 3 December 1483).

1572 Gregory XIII (15021585), who reformed the Julian calendar in use today, was named pope.

1607 Robert Hunt (ca. 15681608) held the first Anglican service in the New World days after the Virginia Company landed in Jamestown.

1608 The Protestant Union, a coalition of Protestant German states to defend the rights, lands and person of each member, was formed in Auhausen after the Holy Roman Emperor and Duke Maximilian I of Bavaria reestablished Catholicism in Donauwörth in 1607 and after a majority of the Reichstag had decided in 1608 that the renewal of the Peace of Augsburg of 1555 should be conditional on the restoration of all church land appropriated since 1552.

1649 Friedrich Spanheim, Dutch theologian and one of the most decided defenders of the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination, died (b. 1 January 1600).

1675 Charles II (16301685; king 16601685) of England issued a warrant to rebuild Saint Paul’s Cathedral. Christopher Wren (16321723) was the architect.

1724 Severe laws were enacted against the French Protestants by their government under Louis XV (17101774).

1752 Timothy Dwight, American Congregational clergyman and hymnist, was born in Northampton, Massachusetts (d. 11 January 1817).

1817 The Marine Bible Society was organized to supply sailors with Bibles.

1855 Thomas Kelly, Irish clergyman and hymnist, died (b. 13 July 1769).

1890 Rosa J. Young, pioneer Lutheran educator who was instrumental in bringing Lutheran work to African Americans in Alabama, was born in Rosebud, Alabama (d. 30 June 1971).

1894 The cornerstone for Concordia College (Bronxville, New York) was laid.

1932 John Hughes (b. 22 November 1873), Welsh railway official and church worker, died.

1978 Divine Savior Lutheran Church and Clinic in Zacapa, Guatemala, was dedicated. It had been destroyed two years earlier by an earthquake.

1996 Dr. Kosuka Nao, the first president of the Japan Lutheran Church, died in Gardenia, California.

2004 George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States of America, delivered the commencement address at Concordia University Wisconsin. He also received an honorary doctor of laws degree from University President, Patrick Ferry. President Ferry also presented the university’s Regents Award to General (Ret.) John William Vessey, Jr., 10th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and fellow Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod member.

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