146 Septimius Severus, emperor of Rome from A.D. 193 to 211, was born (d. 4 February 211). He persecuted the Christian Church although he had once been friendly to the Christian cause.
1079 Polish bishop of Krakow Stanislaus was martyred (b. 26 July 1030).
1501 Anton Corvinus, author of Gospel and Epistle sermons and Lutheran theologian, was born at Warburg (d. 5 April 1553,
Hanover). [German Wikipedia article]
1506 The foundation stone of the new Saint Peter’s Basilica was laid under the patronage of Pope Julius II.
1562 Huguenots in France signed a manifesto declaring they would take up arms in defense of Protestants.
1598 King Henry IV (1553–1610) of France issued the Edict of Nantes, which recognized non-Catholic religions in France, granted freedom of conscience to Protestants and ended the persecution of the Huguenots.
1612 Edward Wightman, English Baptist preacher and the last person to be executed for heresy in England, was burned at the stake at Lichfield (b. 20 December 1566).
1648 Matthäus A. von Löwenstern, hymn writer and musician, died at Breslau (b. 20 April 1594, Neustadt, Silesia).
1675 Johann Daniel Herrnschmidt, hymnist, was born in Bopfingen, Wuerttemburg (d. 5 February 1723).
1712 Richard Simon, French Biblical critic, died (b. 16 May 1638).
1721 David Zeisberger, Moravian missionary to Delaware Indians, was born in Zauchtenthal, Moravia (d. 17 November 1808).
1775 The last execution for witchcraft in Germany took place.
1816 The first African American bishop in America, Richard Allen (1760–1831), was ordained in Philadelphia by Francis Asbury to head the new African Methodist Episcopal Church.
1818 Christian Möck, composer, died in Ausbach (b. 18 October 1737, Thann on the Altmühl). He was interested in music from his earliest youth and served as oboist in the chapel of an infantry regiment in Ansbach from 1771 to 1781; in the latter year he became organist of the cathedral there, in which position he served for 37 years.
1834 Marcus Dods, Scottish clergyman and biblical scholar, was born in Northumberland, England (d. 26 April 1909).
1836 English philanthropist George Müller (1805–1898) opened his famous orphanage on Wilson Street, Bristol, in two rented houses.
1844 James Orr, Scottish theologian, was born in Glasgow (d. 1913).
1926 Emil Hoffmann, president of the Canada Synod of the United Lutheran Church in America, died (b. 1 March 1862).
1984 A first-time meeting of denominational leaders and representatives concerned with providing care for the mentally handicapped took place in Nashville, Tennessee. H. James Richardson Jr., executive director of Cedar Lake Lodge, LaGrange, Kentucky, represented the Missouri Synod and its Board for Parish Services at the meeting, which was also attended by representatives of six other Christian church bodies.
1998 Edwin C. Weber died in Fraser, Michigan (b. 13 September 1910). Following graduation from Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) in 1935, he served parishes in Steeleville, Illinois, and Belknap and Fraser, Michigan. He was president of the Michigan District and also was first vice-president of the LCMS from 1973 to 1981.