1205 Crusader King Amalric II of Jerusalem died (b. 1145).

1541 The Regensburg Conference, a continuation of the Colloquy of Worms, was held.

1548 The British Parliament ordered the first printing of the English Book of Common Prayer.

1680 David Denicke, hymnist, died (b. 1603, Zittau, Saxony).

1718 John Burkhard Freystein, hymnist, died (b. 18 April 1671, Weissenfels, Germany).

1745 Colonial American missionary David Brainerd (17181747) began his four-year work among the New England Indians at Kaunaumeek (between Stockbridge and Albany, Massachusetts).

1767 The Jesuits were expelled from Spain by Emperor Charles III. Originally approved by Pope Paul III in 1540, the Society of Jesus thereafter increased rapidly in size and influence.

1789 Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg (17501801), son of Henry Melchior, was elected Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

1815 William Chalmers Burns, Presbyterian missionary to China and translator, was born in Dun, Scotland (d. 4 April 1868, Newchwang, China).

1827 John Coleridge Patteson, English missionary bishop, was born in London, England (d. 20 September 1871).

1828 Christian Hochstetter, Missouri Synod historian, was born at Lorch, Wuerttemberg (d. 12 June 1905).

1854 Augustine Tolton, the first African American to be ordained a Roman Catholic priest (1886), was born in Ralls County, Missouri (d. 9 July 1897).

1871 Fredrik Melius Christiansen, founder of the Saint Olaf Choir, was born (d. 1 June 1955).

1880 Henry Dietrich Mensing was born in Landesbergen, Germany (d. 17 December 1940, Baltimore, Maryland). He graduated from Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) in 1903 and served as a pastor in Australia (19031915); Wentzville, Missouri (19151920); and Fort Smith, Arkansas (19201923). He was a professor of Latin, English and religion at Concordia College (Fort Wayne, Indiana) from 1923 to 1927 where he also organized Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne and aided in the movement to obtain Valparaiso University as a Lutheran institution. From 1928 until his death he performed institutional mission work for the Baltimore City Mission Board.

1894 Albert H. Beck, professor and composer, was born in Baltimore, Maryland (d. 30 May 1962, River Forest, Illinois).

1916 Frederick Kuegele, first president of the English Missouri Synod, died in Waynesboro, Virginia (b. 16 April 1846).

1925 British statesman Lord (Arthur James) Balfour (18481930) inaugurated the Hebrew University at Jerusalem.

1932 Gerhard Kittel (18881948) published the first fascicle (partial volume) of the Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament. The English translation is known as TDNT (Theological Dictionary of the New Testament).

1964 Lutheran work among Nigerian Muslims was begun at Zaria, Nigeria.

1968 The Lutheran Synod of Mexico was formed.

1973 Gordon Lindsay (b. 1906), founder of Christ for the Nations, Inc., in 1948, died.

1976 The Japan Lutheran Church became self-supporting.

1996 The Rev. David L. Adams became the executive director of the LCMS Office of Government Information (OGI). The position had been vacant since 1989, when the first full-time director, Robert G. Morrison, resigned, and an interim director, Elizabeth Fluegel, served until Adams’ appointment. Prior to his appointment, Adams had been an assistant professor of religion and philosophy at Concordia College, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

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