Saint Matthias, Apostle

303 The last official Roman edict for the persecution of Christians was published by Roman Emperor Galerius Valerius Maximianus (ca. 250311).

616 Æthelberht of Kent, the first Christian English king and instigator of the first written code of British law, died (b. ca. 560).

1208 Francis of Assisi (11821226) experienced a vision in the church of Portunicula, Italy, that convinced him to begin a mission of preaching repentance, singing, caring for lepers and aiding the peasants.

1500 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor during the days of the Reformation, was born at Ghent in Flanders (d. 21 September 1558).

1509 Pope Julius II (14431513) issued a papal bull condemning the practice of dueling.

1530 Pope Clement VII (1478–1534) crowned Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor at Bologna following their reconciliation.

1582 A commission working under Pope Gregory XIII (15021585) at the papal Villa Mondragone completed its reform of the Julian calendar.

1622 Johannes Clauberg, German theologian and philosopher, was born (d. 31 January 1665).

1693 Johann Jakob Rambach, Lutheran theologian and hymnist, was born in Halle (d. 19 April 1735).

1734 Johann Mentzer, hymnist, died at Chemnitz, near Bernstadt, Saxony (b. 27 July 1658 at Jahmen [or Jahma], near Rothenburg, Silesia). [German Wikipedia article] [Hymntime article]

1816 William H. Havergal (17931870), composer, took holy orders in the Anglican church.

1839 In Saint Louis, according to official minutes, the entire Saxon immigrant company through its representatives, headed by Pastors Loeber, Keyl, O. H. Walther, C. F. W. Walther and E. M. Buerger, declared and published a request that “his Reverence” (Martin Stephan) institute an episcopal form of church government and that he accept the office of the first apostolic Lutheran bishop.

1841 Junius Benjamin Remensnyder, president of the General Synod, was born near Staunton, Virginia (d. 2 January 1927).

1862 Bernhard S. Ingemann, hymnist, died in Denmark (b. 28 May 1789, Thor Kildstrup, Falster Island, Denmark).

1874 John Bachmann, president of the General Synod, died at Charleston, South Carolina (b. 4 February 1790).

1885 Anson Gleason, missionary to the Choctaw, Mohegan and Senaca Indians, died (b. 2 May 1797, Manchester, Connecticut).

1886 Samuel Wolcott (b. 2 July 1813), American Congregational clergyman and missionary, died.

1930 Famed American clergyman and Bible expositor Henry (Harry) A. Ironside (18761951), was called to become pastor at the Moody Memorial Bible Church in Chicago. Ironside accepted the call and served at Moody from 1930 to 1948. Better known for his evangelistic, radio and writing ministries, this was Ironside’s only pastorate.

1964 Walter Wayne Oetting, professor at Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis), died (b. 25 April 1929, Davenport, Iowa).

1966 Henry Frederick Wind, executive secretary of the LCMS Department of Social Welfare, died (b. 2 January 1891, Millard, Nebraska).

2000 Radio station KFUO, owned and operated by the Missouri Synod, won a “Gold Angel” award at the 23rd annual “International Angel Awards” ceremony held in Hollywood, California. The award is the highest honor bestowed by Excellence in Media, a Hollywood-based organization devoted to promoting morality in film, television, video, radio and print.

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