St. Timothy, Pastor and Confessor
1076 German King Henry IV (1050–1106) convened the Synod of Worms to secure the deposition of Pope Gregory VII (ca. 1020/1025–1085).
1287 Richard Aungerville, English bishop, writer, bibliophile, Benedictine monk, patron of learning and one of the first English collectors of books, was born (d. 14 April 1345).
1438 Pope Eugene IV (1383–1447) was suspended by the Council of Basel (Florence).
1540 Edmund Campion, English Jesuit priest who was executed on a charge of conspiring to overthrow Queen Elizabeth I, was born (d. 1 December 1581).
1572 John Donne, English poet and divine, was born in London (d. 31 March 1631).
1674 Thomas Tanner, English bishop and antiquarian who published an account of all the religious houses of England and Wales, was born (d. 14 December 1735).
1763 Karl Bernard Garve, hymnist, was born in Jeinsen near Hannover (d. 21 January 1841).
1818 John Mason Neale, hymn translator and Anglican clergyman, was born in London (d. 6 August 1866).
1827 John Albert Broadus, American Baptist New Testament professor and president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, Kentucky), was born in Virginia (d. 16 March 1895).
1852 Ján Kollár, Slovak Lutheran pastor and author of the Slavic national epic, died (b. 29 July 1793, Mosovce, Slovakia).
1854 John William Richards, Lutheran professor at Lafayette College, died (b. 18 April 1803, Reading, Pennsylvania).
1875 Gottfried Thomasius, German Lutheran theologian, died (b. 26 June 1802, Egenhausen, Middle Franconia, Germany). [German Wikipedia article]
1913 Eduard Louis Arndt (1864–1929) and his family left Saint Paul, Minnesota, for China to begin mission work there.
1918 Oral Roberts, American evangelist, was born in Ada, Oklahoma (d. 15 December 2009, Newport Beach, California).
1938 Ernst Eckhardt, statistician of the Missouri Synod and theologian, died (b. 26 March 1868, Frankenberg, Saxony).
1942 Samuel Alexander Bill, Presbyterian missionary to Nigeria, died (b. 1864, Belfast, Ireland).
1975 F. Donald Coggan (1909–2000) became the 101st Archbishop of Canterbury at Canterbury Cathedral in London. A representative from the Vatican, Johannes Cardinal Willebrands, was also present, the first Vatican representative to attend this Anglican ceremony since the Reformation.