Concordia Historical Institute remembers Walkout 50 years later

Concordia Historical Institute remembers the Concordia Seminary St. Louis Walkout 50 years later ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI—February 19, 2024 will mark 50 years since the majority of the faculty and students at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis left campus in a dramatic event that is now known in Lutheran circles simply

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Concordia Historical Institute Honors Lutheran History Authors

President Harrison and others recognized for moving Lutheran history forward PRESS RELEASE—CLAYTON, MISSOURI On November 10, 2022, Concordia Historical Institute hosted its 49th annual Awards Banquet to recognize those scholars who are contributing in manifold ways to the study of Lutheranism in North America. The eight-member Awards Committee nominated eleven

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Spring 2018 CHI Quarterly

Just arrived! The Spring 2018 issue of the Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly (Vol. 91, no.1) has been received from the printer and has been delivered to our mail vendor. The Spring 2018 issue provides some historical perspectives on Lutherans and the civil rights struggle in Selma. It accomplishes this through

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