December 12, 2014


Artifact: Log Cabin College Model

Size: 9 x 7 x 9 inches (not including base)

Significance: December 9, 2014, marked the 175th anniversary of the founding day of Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis. In 1839 the log cabin college, which this model depicts, was opened by Theodore Brohm, Johann Buenger, Ottomar Fuerbringer and C. F. W. Walther in Dresden, Perry County, Missouri. This model depicts the log cabin with a window in front, though whether the window in front existed on the original building or not is much disputed.



Other Depictions in the CHI Collection

Right: Hand painted copper commemorative plaque (diameter: 5 inches)

Left: Oil painting by Rev. G. H. Hilmer; painted for the Saxon Immigration Centennial in 1938 (32 x 23.5 inches)



Concordia College advertisement from the Saint Louis Anzeiger des Westens (translation from Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly 18:4):

We, the undersigned, intend to establish an instruction and training institution which differs from the common elementary schools principally in that it will embrace, outside of (in addition to) the general elementary curriculum (or branches), all branches of the (classical) high school, which are necessary for a true Christian and scientific education, such as: Religion, the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, German, French, and English Language; History, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Natural History, Introduction to Philosophy, Music, and Drawing.

In said branches the pupils of our institution shall be sufficiently advanced to enable them, after finishing the entire course, to take up studies at the university.1

The esteemed parents who desire to entrust their children to our institution are advised to obtain information regarding the plan and arrangement of the same from Pastor O. H. Walther, No. 14 Poplar St., between First and Second, St. Louis.óGod willing, the instruction is to begin on the 1st of October, this year.

At the German Lutheran place of settlement in Perry County, Mo., near the Obrazo, August 13, 1839.

C. Ferd. W. Walther, Th. Jul. Brohm,
Ottomar Fuerbringer, Joh. Fr. Buenger.

1According to their conception the high school course was pre-theological. In Germany theological courses were taken at the university. Hence, the college was at first not a theological school at all.

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