September 5, 2014


Artifact: Scrapbook of Convention Doodles


Size: 14 x 18 inches

Date: 1954–1963

Significance: As defined in the scrapbook, a “doodler” is “one who draws or scribbles idly.” Most people have absent-mindedly doodled at some point in their lives. Some people doodle in class, some while talking on the phone and others while in meetings. What is a convention but a series of meetings?

Not much information was given when this scrapbook was donated by Edgar H. Albers, but it appears to be a collection of doodles from various people. The collection serves as a testament that no matter what walk of life, all people have inherent similarities, especially when dealing with boredom.

About the Scrapbook: The scrapbook is organized by year and spans from 1954 to 1963. The majority of the collected doodles were purposefully adhered to the pages, often with colored paper behind for decoration. Other doodles were simply placed between pages in groupings. Occasionally it is noted where a doodle came from, such as one large doodle from a 1963 district convention in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Some doodles comment on the issues at hand at the convention, some are humorous and others show great artistic talent. Other doodles are signed or include names, often as “So-and-so sat here.” This, along with quite varied styles and artistic abilities present, gives credence that it is not a collection of doodles by a single person, but from many. Seen below are a variety of interesting doodles found in the scrapbook.

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