Explore the past through the people who lived it! Meet 25 men and women passionate about the Reformation re-discovery of the Gospel—either for or against it. Download reproducible bulletin inserts, biographical handouts, and Bible studies for each unforgettable face of the Reformation era. (from lutheranreformation.org site)

Concordia Historical Institute, in conjunction with the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Board for Communications, is providing these materials free of charge to interested individuals and congregations.

A bonus from Concordia Historical Institute is a bibliography of the texts used to produce the biographies (both the full page biography and the bulletin inserts). Click here to access the bibliography.

Don’t delay! Start using these materials at Reformation 2016 and continue to use them through the 500th anniversary year.

Click here to see all the available individuals or click on the image below:

Knight George for Knight George and a study on the hymn “A Mighty Fortress”
Philipp Melanchthon for Philipp Melanchthon and a study on the hymn “Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide”
Katharina von Bora for Katharine von Bora and a study on the hymn “Oh, Bless the House”
Martin Luther - Early years for Martin Luther (early years) and a study on the hymn “From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee”
Hans and Margarethe Luder for Hans and Margarethe Luder and a study on the hymn “Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve Me?”
Pope Leo X for Pope Leo X and a study on the hymn “Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word”
John Huss for John Hus and a study on the hymn “Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior”
Frederick the Wise for Frederick the Wise and a study on the hymn “The Day is Surely Drawing Near”
Erasmus for Erasmus and a study on the hymn “All Christians Who Have Been Baptized”
Tetzel for Johann Tetzel and a study on the hymn “Salvation Unto Us Has Come”
for Johannes Gutenberg and a study on the hymn “Thy Strong Word”
for Johann von Staupitz and a study on the hymn “Jesus Sinners Doth Receive”
for Lucas Cranach and a study on the hymn “The God of Abr’ham Praise”
for Nikolaus von Amsdorf and a study on the hymn “Preserve Your Word, O Savior”
for Ulrich (Huldrych) Zwingli and a study of the hymn “O Lord, We Praise Thee”
for Justus Jonas and a study of the hymn “If God Were Not Upon Our Side”
for Johann Eck and a study of the hymn “I Trust, Oh Lord, Your Holy Name”
for Johannes Bugenhagen and a study of the hymn “Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands”
for Thomas Muntzer and a study of the hymn “In Adam We Have All Been One”
for Charles V and a study of the hymn “Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord”
for John Calvin and a study of the hymn “All Glory Be to God Alone”
for Andreas Karlstadt and a study of the hymn “Built on the Rock”
for Martin Chemnitz and a study of the hymn “Our Father Who From Heaven Above”
for Martin Luther (later years) and a study of they hymn “In Peace and Joy I Now Depart”
for George Spalatin and a study of the hymn “Dear Christians, One and All Rejoice”

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