On-site research by appointment recommended

LCMS, Board for District and Congregational Services Records, 1995-present.

  • Collection Number: A-0015
  • Collection Size: 0.2 linear feet

Historical Note

In 1992 the Congregational Ministries Coordinating Committee and the Commission on Structure recommended to the delegate convention that the Synod establish a Board for Congregational Services, effective at the 1995 convention. They also recommended that the Synod create a Conference of Congregational Services on a pilot basis for the 1992-1995 triennium. The 1992 convention instructed the pilot Conference of Congregational Services (CCS) to propose membership guidelines for a smaller conference and for the Board for Congregational Services.

In creating the new Board for Congregational Services, the Synod merged the Board for Parish Services, the Board for Evangelism Services, the Board for Youth Services, the Commission on Worship, and the Council for Stewardship. It determined that the Board’s membership would consist of 11 members: 3 pastors, 3 commissioned ministers, 3 laypersons, and 2 at-large.

The Conference of Congregational Services (CCS) is composed of 74 members, including the members of the Board for Congregational Services. It works in conjunction with the board in gathering information and feedback from the districts and in sharing synodical plans with the districts and their congregations. The CCS also reviews Board activities and makes recommendations concerning the integration of Board operations with District/congregational needs.

In 2001 the name of the board was changed to the Board for District and Congregational Services. Membership on the board was reduced from 11 to 8: 2 pastors, 2 commissioned ministers, 2 laypersons and 2 at-large members. The CCS was eliminated.

For more detailed information concerning the Board of Parish Education, the Board for Parish Services, and the Board for Congregational Services, please see the following sources:

  • The Development of the Formal Structure of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod From 1847-1897 (A Report to the Synodical Survey Commission), Report 2C, November 1960, by August R. Suelflow.
  • Synodical Handbook (editions printed from 1873 to present)
  • Proceedings of the Synodical Convention

Scope and Content Note

The collection contains scattered meeting minutes and agenda/dockets. The materials are stored in folders and appear in chronological order.

This collection represents only a small portion (series) of the records concerning the activities of the Board for Congregational Services. Related collections are the LCMS. Board of Parish Education Minutes, 1929-1981, and the LCMS. Board for Parish Services Records, 1983-1994. Please also consult the unprocessed records for these two preceding boards and the records of any boards, councils, and commissions which were merged to form the Board for Congregational Services.

Volume/Folder List

Box 1

  1. 1995 Minutes
  2. 1996 Minutes
  3. 1997 Meeting (June 6-8)
  4. 1997 Minutes
  5. 1998 Minutes
  6. 1999 Minutes
  7. 2000 Minutes
  8. 2001 Minutes
  9. 2002 Minutes