On-site research by appointment recommended

“To God Alone the Glory: The Life of C. F. W. Walther,ˮ

Featured in the CHI Museum at Concordia Seminary

The exhibit uses documents, artifacts and publications from the Instituteʼs collections to tell the story of Waltherʼs life and work from his childhood and education in Saxony, his role in the Saxon Immigration to Missouri, and his multi-faceted career as pastor, seminary president and first president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. It includes information on his family life, musical interests and the effects of the Civil War on his ministry.

The Institute staff has also prepared a PowerPoint presentation using much of the material from the exhibit for personal and educational use in congregations and schools. The special DVD includes manual and automatic versions of the presentation and may be ordered from the Institute for $20.00 plus $2.50 for shipping and handling.