1223 Pope Honorius III (11481227) formally confirmed the Regula bullata,which organized the Franciscan Order.

1511 Ursula von Cotta, Martin Luther’s benefactress, died.

1530 Thomas Wolsey, domestic chaplain of the archbishop of Canterbury, chaplain of Henry VII, privy counsellor of Henry VIII, bishop of Lincoln, archbishop of York , a cardinal and Lord Chancellor of England, died (b. ca. 1475 at Ipswich[?]).

1573 Jakob Andreae (1528–1590) finished the Schwabian Concord, a forerunner of the Formula of Concord.

1705 Missionaries Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg (16821719) and Heinrich Pluetschau left Copenhagen for India.

1780 The Congregational Church of Connecticut licensed Lemuel Hayes to preach, making him the first black pastor certified by a predominantly white denomination. Hayes later became the first black pastor to serve a white church.

1847 Marcus Whitman (b. 4 September 1802), American pioneer medical missionary to Oregon, was massacred by Cayuse Indians in the Walla Walla valley of Washington.

1854 Carl Eissfeldt, prominent in early city and institutional work of the Missouri Synod, was born in Milwaukee (d. 14 March 1935, Mount Prospect, Illinois).

1898 C. S. Lewis, Anglican scholar and Christian writer, was born in Belfast, Ireland (d. 22 November 1963).

1921 Augustus H. Strong (b. 3 August 1836), American Baptist clergyman and theologian, died.

1947 The United Nations decided to partition Palestine and form the state of Israel.

1950 Otto F. Hattstaedt, professor at Concordia College (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) from 1884 to 1938, died (b. 31 December 1862 at Monroe, Michigan).

1950 The National Council of the Churches of Christ (NCC) was formed in Cleveland, Ohio.

1970 Church of North India was inaugurated at Nagpur with the union of six churches.

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