506 The Council of Agde was held in southern France under the leadership of Caesarius of Arles (468/470542). It was attended by thirty-five bishops and published seventy-one canons. The canons dealt with clerical celibacy, the age of ordination, relationships between bishops and their diocesan synods, intoxication of clergymen and religious obligations of the faithful.

1303 Boniface VIII (ca. 1235–1303; pope 1294–1303), recently kidnapped and rescued just two days earlier after attempting to bring Philip the Fair (Philip IV of France, 12681314) to court, died.

1570 Johann Brenz, Lutheran reformer in Swabia, died at Stuttgart (b. 24 June 1499, Weil der Stadt, near Stuttgart).

1598 Christoph Fischer (Vischer), hymnist, died (b. 20 January 1518, Joachimsthal, Bohemia). [German Wikipedia article]

1646 Johann Stobäus, composer, died in Koenigsberg (b. 6 July 1580, Graudenz, West Prussia).

1728 John Caspar Stoever (1685–1738), first Lutheran pastor in Virginia, arrived.

1780 John Marriott, hymnist, was baptized (d. 31 March 1825, Saint Giles-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, England).

1812 The Württemberg Bible Society was founded.

1822 Pope Pius VII (17401823) approved a decree by the Sacred Congregation of the Inquisition to allow the printing of books in Rome defending the heliocentric theory of Nicolaus Copernicus (14731543).

1834 Marvin R. Vincent, American Presbyterian Bible scholar, was born in Poughkeepsie, New York (d. 1922).

1846 Nils Forsander, Augustana Synod editor and professor, was born in Gladsax, Sweden (d. 21 August 1926).

1857 John D. Lee (18121877), a Mormon, was angered over President James Buchanan’s order to remove Brigham Young (18011877) from the governorship of the Territory of Utah. In retaliation Lee incited a band of Mormons and Indians to massacre 120 California-bound emigrants in Mountain Meadows, Utah.

1869 “…at the 1869 synodical convention, a motion was passed to establish an official publishing house for the synod. The appointed five-man board of directors met for the first time [on this date], and the publishing house was officially born and given the fitting name Synodaldruckerei—”Synod printing” in German.” “Two of the board members, F. Lange and Louis Lange, had previous publishing or literature experience, providing much-needed expertise for this new printer. Louis Lange, publisher of Die Abendschule, the largest German-language periodical of that time, volunteered to supervise the printing operations for free.” The Word of the Lord Endures: 150 Years of Service to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, page 8 for both quotes.

1878 Philipp Fleischmann, co-founder and director of the Missouri Synod teachers seminary at Fort Wayne, Indiana, died in Kendallville, Indiana (b. 22 January 1815, Regensburg, Bavaria).

1905 Eugene N. Seltz was born in Truman, Minnesota (d. 27 November 1985, Saint Louis Park, Minnesota). He graduated from Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) in 1929 and served as a missionary to China from 1929 to 1939. He later was a pastor in Howard Lake, Minnesota; a language officer for the U.S. Marines; and a chaplain in the Twin Cities in Minnesota. From 1959 until his retirement in 1970 he taught at Concordia Seminary (Hong Kong).

1916 Rudolf Adam Bischoff, professor and president of Concordia College (Fort Wayne, Indiana), died in Bingen, Indiana (b. 16 May 1847).

1958 The Lutheran ChurchCanada, a federation of Missouri Synod Canadian districts, was organized in Winnipeg.

1967 The Lutheran International School in Hong Kong was opened.

1977 Bethesda Lutheran Home dedicated its first out-of-state group home in Maryville, Missouri.

1983 The new campus of Concordia College (now University) Wisconsin at Mequon was dedicated. Built in 1958, the campus was purchased from the School Sisters of Notre Dame. The new campus has 13 interconnected buildings and sits on 102 acres, which includes a half-mile shoreline on Lake Michigan. The dedication service was held at the Chapel of Christ Triumphant on the new campus.

1983 Dr. Eugene Krentz was installed as the eighth president of Concordia College, River Forest.

1984 Robert Manthey Zorn died at Saint Louis, Missouri (b. 24 July 1904, South Euclid [Cleveland], Ohio). He graduated from Concordia Seminary (Saint Louis) in 1928 and served in India as a missionary, professor, dean and president of Concordia Seminary (Nagercoil) and general secretary of the India Mission. He retired in 1970.

1987 The Reverend Doctor Ralph R. Bohlmann, ninth president of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, met with Pope John Paul II in Columbia, South Carolina, along with 27 other U.S. Christian leaders in a closed door session. This was the second meeting between the two church leaders.

2001 Terrorists hijacked American airliners and attacked the World Trade Center towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D. C., inflicting major damage and the loss of over 3,000 lives. A fourth plane, alleged to be targeted at the White House, crashed at Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after passengers overpowered the hijackers.

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