649 Pope Saint Martin I was consecrated (d. 1 September 655).

1530 A Roman Catholic committee began preparing the Confutation of the Augsburg Confession.

1546 Johann Steuerlein, German hymnist, poet and composer, was born in Schmalkalden (d. 5 May 1613).

1710 Solomon Stoddard (16431728/29), Puritan revivalist, preached Harvard’s commencement service.

1722 Johann Kuhnau, organist, composer and Leipzig cantor, died (b. 6 April 1660).

1762 Jacob Adlung, erudite organist of the Predigerkirche in Erfurt, died (b. 14 January 1699). [German Wikipedia article]

1809 Pope Pius VII (17401823) was arrested by Napoleon. Pius had excommunicated the Corsican dictator for annexing the Papal States.

1835 Irish Anglican clergyman Richard C. Trench (18071886) was ordained into the Anglican priesthood.

1867 Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg Sr., physician in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, died (b. 1795).

1887 Heinrich Stallmann, president of the Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Germany, was born at Allendorf on the Lumbda, Hesse, Germany (d. 16 June 1969).

1903 William Burt Pope, English Methodist theologian, died (b. 1822).

1929 Wilhelm Henkel, Wisconsin synod professor, theologian and educator, died (b. 2 July 1868).

1949 Carl F. Graebner, president of Concordia Seminary (Adelaide, Australia), died (b. 8 October 1862).

1962 Helmut Richard Niebuhr (b. 3 September 1894), American neo-orthodox theologian, died.

1981 Pulpit and altar fellowship with The American Lutheran Church was rescinded by the 54th biennial convention of the Missouri Synod. Ralph A. Bohlmann was also elected to succeed Jacob A. O. Preus as president of the LCMS on this day.

1984 A nine-member Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Commission on Women began their work on this day. A previous task force on women had last reported to the 1977 LCMS convention about their work. The new commission was encouraged by President Ralph Bohlmann to provide a written report for the 1986 LCMS convention.

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